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Patrick Mahomes impressed by WRs Hollywood Brown and Xavier Worthy at OTAs

Patrick Mahomes impressed by WRs Hollywood Brown and Xavier Worthy at OTAs


The Kansas City Chiefs added receivers Hollywood Brown and Xavier Worthy to the mix this offseason, giving superstar quarterback and three-time Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes more weapons in the passing game.

Mahomes views Brown, a five-year NFL veteran, as adding a new dimension to Kansas City's offense.

“I think you all saw it today [at OTAs] I give him chances on the field, and he makes the plays.” Mahomes said Wednesday. “The more he plays, the more we will continue to give him these chances. [He’s] a good addition to our attack.”

The Chiefs signed Brown, who has been limited by injuries the past two seasons with the Arizona Cardinals, to a one-year contract in March. When healthy, the 5-foot-9 receiver, who ran a 4.27 40-yard dash at the 2019 NFL Scouting Combine, has proven to be a dynamite weapon on the field. A former first-rounder out of Oklahoma, Brown's best season came in 2021, his last with the Baltimore Ravens, when he had 91 receptions for 1,008 yards and six touchdowns.

On the other hand, Worthy suffered a hamstring injury during OTAs, but his preparation nonetheless caught Mahomes' attention.

“You can tell how intelligent he is.” Mahomes said. “He asks the right questions. Before he had a hamstring problem, he was putting in the work. Sometimes it's difficult with these guys coming out of combined training, they want to prove what they can do right away. the first day and little injuries like that happen We're going to be careful for now; he could probably come out if we really wanted to.

“You can see he sits right next to the guys and asks all the right questions, and every time he gets back on the field I look forward to working with him.”

Kansas City traded up to select Worthy with the 28th overall pick in the 2024 NFL Draft. Worthy formed a dynamic receiving duo with Adonai Mitchell, who was selected by the Indianapolis Colts with the No. 52 pick, out of Texas last season. Worthy totaled 75 receptions for 1,014 yards and five touchdowns. He also passed for 12 touchdowns in his freshman season.

While the Chiefs won the Super Bowl without a first-round bye, their offense collapsed for stretches last season.

They finished the regular season averaging 351.3 total yards (ninth in the NFL) and 21.8 points (15th) per game. The aforementioned league rankings were Kansas City's lowest marks since Mahomes became its full-time quarterback in 2018. Additionally, the Chiefs have not scored more than 26 points in a playoff game last season en route to Super Bowl LVIII.

Brown and Worthy join a receiver room that includes Rashee Rice, Kansas City's leader among wideouts in receptions, receiving yards and receiving touchdowns last season, Justin Watson and Skyy Moore, among others. The new signings could play an important role as Rice faces potential suspension from the league for his role in a high-speed car crash in March.

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