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Jennifer Lopez Won't Address Diddy's Violence In Video But Is Disgusted Lowell Sun

Jennifer Lopez Won't Address Diddy's Violence In Video But Is Disgusted Lowell Sun


Sean Diddy Combs (L) and Jennifer Lopez attend the JENNIFER LOPEZ: ALL I HAVE residency finale after party at MR CHOW at Caesars Palace on September 30, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images for Caesars Entertainment)

While promoting her new sci-fi film and upcoming tour, Jennifer Lopez mostly dealt with friendly interviewers, such as Jimmy Kimmel, who didn't ask her any in-depth questions about her marital problems with Ben Affleck .

The only brief exception occurred Wednesday when a reporter at a news conference in Mexico City asked the entertainment icon to respond to divided rumors. The reporter was quickly stopped by the emcee and by Lopez herself, who looked down on the reporter and said, “You know better than that,” media reported.

But reporters also didn't ask Lopez to share her thoughts about another man with whom she shared a romantic relationship. That's her longtime boyfriend, Sean Diddy Combs, who is under investigation for alleged sex trafficking and whose reputation has been further damaged after a disturbing video was made public last week , showing him viciously abusing another ex-girlfriend, singer Cassie Ventura.

< slot="i-amphtml-svc" class="">LOS ANGELES, USA: Singer/actress Jennifer Lopez (left) poses with her boyfriend Sean
LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES: Singer/actress Jennifer Lopez (L) poses with her boyfriend Sean Puffy Combs (R) for photographers at the 42nd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on February 23 2000. (AFP PHOTO VINCE BUCCI/ AFP via Getty Images)

Lopez's team is expected to try to protect her from reporters who ask her tough questions about Combs, whom she dated from 1999 to 2001. the Daily Mail suggested in a report.

Jen isn't going to respond to the accusations or take the time to talk about them because it's not her story to tell, a source told the Daily Mail.

Lopez's team is likely hoping to help her avoid having to deal with too much. renewed interest in his appearance at a New York nightclub in 1999, when Combs was allegedly involved in a confrontation that led to a shooting and multiple injuries.

And if Lopez isn't asked, she won't volunteer to talk about him publicly either, according to the Daily Mail.

Behind the scenes, however, it appears that sources close to Lopez want to let her fans know that she is not oblivious to the latest developments in Combs' downfall. The sources say she is extremely disappointed, disturbed and disgusted by the video released by CNN last week that shows the mogul assaulting Ventura in the hallway of a Los Angeles hotel in 2016. The video shows Combs chasing, giving kicking, dragging and throwing a glass vase at the singer's house.

It's disgusting for her to see that someone, who at one point in her life was someone she trusted so much, ends up turning into a very damaged human being, a source told the Daily Mail. It's disturbing to see.

Other artists and former associates of Combs have issued public statements about the video or the fact that the rapper was the subject of a broad federal investigation into sex trafficking allegations, which culminated in federal searches in March at its properties in Los Angeles and Miami. Combs has not been charged with any crime and has denied any wrongdoing.

On Sunday, Combs released a video publicly apologizing for his actions in the video, but the apology was widely denounced as pathetic, performative and published only after being caught.

Lopez has no plans to make any statements about the video specifically, a source told the Daily Mail.

If she's asked about it in a future interview, she'll cross paths along the way, but she won't talk about it publicly or willingly put herself in that conversation.

< slot="i-amphtml-svc" class="">
Jennifer Lopez attends the premiere of Netflixs ATLAS at the Egyptian Theater Hollywood on May 20, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for Netflix)

The Daily Mail report also suggested that Lopez had her hands full, promoting her new film, Atlas, and rehearsing for her upcoming tour. On top of all that, she's facing an avalanche of headlines about herself. allegedly failed marriage to Affleck, less than two years after their marriage.

Among everything Jen is facing in her life, she is aware and has seen what Diddy did and is extremely disappointed, the source told the Daily Mail.

TMZ reported last week that Lopez and Affleck were living separately, with Affleck staying at a residence in Brentwood, not with Lopez at the $60 million Beverly Hills mansion the couple purchased last year.

A report from Page Six earlier this week indicated that Affleck had come to terms with his failed marriage and knew he and Lopez were headed toward a divorce.

If there was a way to divorce on the grounds of temporary insanity, he would do it, a source told Page Six. He feels like the last two years were just a fever dream, and he's come to his senses now and understands that there's just no way this is going to work.

Lopez and Affleck have given mixed signals about their marriage and whether they want to stay together. Affleck did not accompany Lopez to her most recent red carpet appearance, including the Atlas premiere in Los Angeles on Monday night and the Met Gala in New York on May 6. Over the past week, they have been spotted wearing their wedding rings on some occasions. , without rings on the others, while still allowing themselves to be seen together when attending family events involving either of their children.

As for Lopez's relationship with Combs, her troubles reminded the public that they were once one of the most famous couples in the world, making waves at the 2000 Grammys and other events, according to Us Weekly.

But the relationship was also volatile, and the two became the subject of unwanted headlines and an NYPD investigation when they were arrested in December 1999 while fleeing a New York nightclub after a shooting broke out. The shooting left three people injured.

After the shooting, Lopez, Combs and other members of their entourage fled the club in a Lincoln Navigator, whose driver led police on a chase through Manhattan, according to reports. The chase ended when officers found a stolen gun inside the vehicle and arrested Lopez and Combs on suspicion of criminal possession of a weapon.

Lopez and Combs spent more than 12 hours in custody, with Lopez handcuffed to a post at one point, the New York Post reported. Prosecutors ultimately dropped the charges against Lopez, but charged Combs with two counts of criminal possession of an unregistered weapon and attempted bribery for allegedly trying to get the driver of the car to say that the weapon was his. Lopez was not called as a witness in Comb's criminal trial, which ended in his acquittal.

Over the years, Lopez has remained mostly private about her relationship with the Bad Boy Records founder and that heartbreaking night. However, she confirmed in 2022 that Combs was unfaithful and told British Elle in 2000 that the shooting was a complete nightmare, saying: I was scared to death in the car. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. No one did, Forbes reported.




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