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Attorney General Investigates Attempted Seizure of Elvis Presley's Graceland Home

Attorney General Investigates Attempted Seizure of Elvis Presley's Graceland Home



Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti is investigating the attempted auction seizure of Elvis Presley's iconic Memphis home, known as Graceland, by a purported private investment company.

On Wednesday, Naussany Investments and Private Lending LLC dropped their foreclosure efforts against Graceland.

Danielle Riley Keough, Presley's granddaughter and heir, filed a lawsuit earlier this month to stop the foreclosure sale, claiming the Naussany Investments documents were false and an attempt to defraud the family.

“I have asked my attorneys to review this matter, determine the extent of any misconduct that may have occurred and identify what we can do to protect both Elvis Presley's heirs and any other person who may be threatened in the same way,” Skrmetti said in a statement.

Naussany Investments produced documents that Lisa Marie Presley defaulted on a $3.8 million loan, before her death in 2023, and used Graceland as collateral, according to to court documents.

These documents are fraudulent, Keoughs' lawsuit claims. Lisa Marie Presley never borrowed money from Naussany Investments and never gave a deed of trust to Naussany Investments.

Keough's lawsuit also claims that documents submitted by Naussany, including a 2018 notarized promissory note signed by Lisa Marie Presley, were forged. Even the notary whose name appeared on the disputed document told the court in an affidavit that he never notarized Lisa Marie Presley's signature.

A Shelby County, Tennessee, The chancellor on Wednesday blocked the foreclosure sale scheduled for Thursday, noting that the notary identified in the transaction swore that he had not legalized Lisa Marie Presley's signature on the trust deed, which called into question the authenticity of the signature on the deed.

Keoughs' ownership of Graceland was upheld by a Memphis court, according to Tennessee's top attorney.

Graceland is one of the most iconic landmarks in the state of Tennessee, and the Presley family has generously shared it with the world since Elvis' passing, Skrmetti said. Elvis made Memphis the center of the musical universe, and Graceland serves as a monument to his legacy and a fond memory for his family. My office has been fighting homeowner fraud for decades, and there is no home in Tennessee more valued than Graceland.

Naussany Investments was listed in court documents as being located in Kimberling City, Missouri, but CNN was unable to locate a company in the state with that name. CNN was also unable to locate a company with that name in a nationwide search.

The lender is also unknown to Tennessee banking regulators.

Alicia Owens, public information officer for the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions, told CNN in an email that Naussany Investments & Private Lending, LLC (Naussany) is not a licensed mortgage lender in Tennessee and does not is not regulated by the Department.




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