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Seinfeld Actor Reveals Prostate Cancer Diagnosis, Ryne Sandberg Is Cancer Free & More

Seinfeld Actor Reveals Prostate Cancer Diagnosis, Ryne Sandberg Is Cancer Free & More


Seinfeld actor Michael Richards has revealed he has prostate cancer.

Michael Richards, best known for his role as Cosmo Kramer on the sitcom Seinfeld, opened up about his prostate cancer diagnosis in his upcoming memoir, Ingress and Exit, which will be released June 4.

The actor, who is currently 74, said he was diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer in the summer of 2018 after high levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) were detected. revealed during a routine examination. After a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis, he underwent surgery to remove the entire prostate.

“It had to be contained quickly,” Richards said in an interview with PEOPLE. “I had to have full surgery. If I hadn't, I probably would have been dead in about eight months.”

MLB Hall of Famer Ryne Sandberg said he had no signs of cancer.

Ryne Sandberg, a former Chicago Cubs player, announced in January that he had been diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer in December 2023. Now, in a more recent update shared on Instagram, the 64-year-old years said that PET and MRI tests showed no signs of cancer.

This was after completing chemotherapy treatments and heading toward radiation therapy for several weeks since the initial diagnosis was incurable cancer, he wrote, stating he wanted to keep treatments to a minimum. We have achieved this goal and will continue treatments while crushing it to win the battle. The symptoms remain daily, but we still have good, semi-normal days.

The announcement comes after Sandberg, who is a 10-time All-Star, according to, threw out the ceremonial first pitch during the Cubs' home opener at Wrigley Field on April 1. him later this year.

The From Scratch author opened up about her husband's cancer diagnosis.

Tembi Locke, who wrote the memoir From Scratch, which was turned into a Netflix series of the same name, recently sat down with Hoda Kotb on The Today Show to discuss her husband's leiomyosarcoma diagnosis.

Locke explained that her late husband, Italian chef Saro Gullo, took a yoga class and later experienced persistent knee pain. After performing imaging, Locke said, it became clear within weeks that there was something more than just a torn meniscus.

Gullo ended up being diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma, a rare cancer that occurs in smooth muscle tissue, in 2002. He died a decade after the diagnosis.

“That moment, when you get the diagnosis, it’s so striking,” Locke said. “Even just talking about it, I feel like my body remembers it. I just remember being so stunned.”

A Houston Texans player has completed cancer treatment.

Houston Texans defensive end Dylan Horton posted a video of himself on Instagram ringing a bell to signify his final radiation treatment. The 23-year-old was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma in December 2023 during his rookie season with the Texans. He first announced in November that he had to step down for personal reasons, then learned on Dec. 1 that he had cancer, according to ESPN.

In March, Horton released a statement saying he was in remission and hoped to return to football soon.

“Praise God. Final treatment,” Horton said in the video.

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