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Registration is open for summer art camps | News | Daily Sun Villages

Registration is open for summer art camps |  News |  Daily Sun Villages
Registration is open for summer art camps |  News |  Daily Sun Villages


Each summer, theaters and art museums across Central Florida host summer arts camps to nurture children's creativity in a safe, supervised environment. These camps allow children to explore the kaleidoscope of creative possibilities offered by the visual and performing arts.

The Sharon L. Morse Performing Arts Center has several programs open for registration this summer, culminating with performances by summer drama camp students.

The Sharon has been hosting children's summer camps focused on theater and the arts since 2018, and the camps have undergone several changes to arrive at the very successful format we enjoy today, said Sierra Weiss, reservations manager for Significant Productions and camp coordinator. These summer camps, along with all other Sharon programs, are presented by Significant Productions as part of our mission to bring high-quality arts to every member of our community.

Camp programs are sorted by age, with first and second graders participating in creative theater and musical theater classes like Nemos Big Blue World June 10-15 and Hard Knock Life June 17-22.

Campers in grades three through eight will attend workshops performing Finding Nemo Jr. from June 10-15 and Annie Jr. from June 17-22. At the end of the week, older campers will perform the play they have been working on. whether it's Nemo or Annie, at Sharon.

High school students can participate as summer camp apprentices, which involves setting a good example for younger campers by being a model learner and providing assistance during activities.

Previous summer camp programs at the Sharon were hosted either by theater staff or by Compass Creative Dramatics. Now, all Sharon Summer Camp programs are conducted in partnership with Orlando Family Stage.

We have 10 weeks of on-site summer camp, but we also send teachers to our satellite sites like The Sharon, said Bryn Fussell, director of the Youth Academy at Orlando Family Stage.

Essentially, Fussell said, The Sharon acts as the camp host and Orlando Family Stage provides the curriculum, creative materials and teaching artists. The teaching guide for each class follows the Florida Standards for Theater Education.

We want to make sure they are on grade level, but we also often practice life skills such as body movement, public speaking, responsibility like in behind-the-scenes work and creative thinking, said Fussell. Our core values ​​are inspiration, creativity and connection, and that's what we really try to teach.

The registration fee for all summer camp programs, except high school, is $270 plus an additional $30 tracking fee. Registration for high school students in the summer camp learning program is $120.

Tickets for Finding Nemo Jr. and Annie Jr. are $15 each. For more information, visit

The Leesburg Center for the Arts will once again host its annual summer art camps, where campers will map out their own artistic experience.

The center's art camp runs from June 3 to July 19, with each week dedicated to a different age group. During camp, children will experience all kinds of art media, but camp director Verna Shelden said it's not like a regular art class.

It's not so much about education as it is about experience, Shelden said. We don't want it to be like school, his camp.

Activities at Leesburg Summer Art Camp are primarily self-guided, and a typical morning begins with an activity like music or sculpture. The rest of the day is dedicated to exploring different themes through artistic expression.

We have guest artists, as well as myself, to guide them when we have a project, but they choose whether to participate or not, Shelden said. We provide an all-inclusive supportive environment so they can each achieve their individual goals.

Campers and camp dates are grouped by grade level. The youngest general arts group starts on June 3 and the oldest group on July 8. A special pottery camp will take place from July 15 to 19 for children ages 8 to 14.

At the end of camp, campers will celebrate the progress they have made by showcasing their art in a grand presentation in the center's exhibition hall.

We ask them for permission to display their work, and then we schedule their parents to come see the exhibit, Shelden said. We exhibit all grade levels at the same time.

To register or find out more, visit Prices vary depending on age.

The Appleton Museum of Art in Ocala hosts one of the largest summer art programs in the region, with approximately 25 multi-day art classes offered each year.

The museum is the perfect place for young art enthusiasts, whatever their level, to be inspired by the world-class art collection and create their own masterpieces, said Victoria Billig, director assistant at the Appleton Museum of Art. From clay to jewelry making, plein air painting and more, there's something for everyone.

The one- and two-week Appletons camps are aimed at ages 5-17 and run for eight weeks, starting June 3 with Meet the Artists, Around the World and Sketch It. All classes are taught by professional art instructors and teaching artists, who help campers complete themed projects inspired by the museum's extensive permanent collection.

Many of Appleton's museum classes are already full, but more than a dozen are still open for registration, with topics ranging from famous artists to cultural arts, architecture, 3D art, eco art, jewelry and design, birds and creatures.

Tuition prices vary by course and cover all art supplies, snacks, and a free t-shirt for the first course taken. Museum members receive a discount on tuition.

To register for one of the courses, go to

Senior writer Taylor Strickland can be reached at 352-753-1119, ext. 20.5334, or [email protected].




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