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Barbaric act in a modern civilized society: death sentence of father-in-law for the murder of actress Laila Khan, 5 members of her family | Bombay News

Barbaric act in a modern civilized society: death sentence of father-in-law for the murder of actress Laila Khan, 5 members of her family |  Bombay News


A Mumbai magistrate court on Friday sentenced Parvez Khan to death row for the murder of his daughter-in-law and actress Laila Khan, her mother and four of her siblings in 2011. Another accused named in the The case is still at large.

The court in its judgment observed that the case fell under the category of “rarest cases” and observed that “the case highlights a totally barbaric act of a human being in a modern civilized society…In the In this case, the accused committed a total of six murders. Literally, Shelina Patel's entire family is killed.

Earlier this month, Additional Sessions Judge Sachin Pawar had convicted Tak of murder and destruction of evidence in the case. Calling the case “the rarest of the rare,” police last week sought the death penalty against Tak. The court decided on the amount of the sentence on Friday.

In 2011, Khan, who had appeared in a few films, disappeared, along with her mother Shelina Patel and four of her siblings. A complaint was lodged at the Oshiwara police station by Laila's father, Nadir Patel, who informed the police that his entire family was missing. Besides Laila, her mother Shelina, elder sister Azmina, twin siblings Zara and Imran and cousin Reshma were missing.

A year later, Mumbai police claimed to have recovered their bodies from a farm and arrested Khan's father-in-law, Tak, for the murder. Tak was arrested in 2012 and has been behind bars ever since. Nearly 40 witnesses testified in this case.

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The prosecution was headed by special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam until the court reserved the case for trial last month. Last month, Nikam withdrew himself from all prosecutions to contest the Lok Sabha elections for the BJP from the Mumbai North Central constituency.

Police had claimed that Tak, the third husband of Laila Khan's mother Shelina, first killed Shelina after an argument over a bungalow in Igatpuri and then killed Khan, her siblings Amina, Zara and Imran, as well as his cousin Reshma as they witnessed the crime. . Police also said that it was Tak who led police to the deceased's remains, which he buried in a pit near the farmhouse.

The judge observed: “Undoubtedly, the offense proved against the accused is of great scale and enormity as it involves multiple murders… The murders are committed in an extremely grotesque and revolting manner. The five female victims were vulnerable and the accused took advantage of this. The execution of this act indicates that these were cold-blooded murders, after which the accused coldly and meticulously planned the examination of the evidence, which remained unnoticed for almost 17 months after the commission of the offense .

The court found that after committing the offence, the accused fled to Jammu with two vehicles belonging to the victims and abandoned them in Jammu and also gave false answers in his statement during the trial.

The judge, while observing that the accused deserved the death penalty, added that “the act of the accused is not only barbaric but also inhumane to the highest degree. This crime certainly shocked the collective conscience of society. Therefore, in my opinion, the case falls into the category of the rarest cases.




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