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Actor Hugh Grant among motorists in five-hour traffic delays

Actor Hugh Grant among motorists in five-hour traffic delays


The Bank Holiday began with some motorists, including actor Hugh Grant, stuck for five hours in a near-stationary traffic jam.

Grant, 63, encountered heavy traffic as he tried to overtake the A3 near Tolworth, Greater London, on Friday afternoon.

At one point, he said he was stuck for four and a half hours and still couldn't get out.

Earlier, posting to update on the situation on the A3 near Tolworth? We are now entering the third hour of almost stationary traffic jam. And a long red line remains to come. And no exit. Children in car.

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Hugh Grant tweeted about traffic delays (James Manning/PA)

TfL responded: For safety reasons, we have had to close two lanes of the A3 leading to the Tolworth underpass due to emergency repair works. Unfortunately, serious delays are still present. We are monitoring the situation and seeing that traffic is changing, even if it is slow. We apologize for the delay.

During the jam, motorist Musawir Idrees posted an emoji showing his exasperation on X with the words: Stuck in A3 traffic for five hours. Road works.

Screenshot taken from social media site X posted by Hugh Grant, which has since been deletedScreenshot taken from social media site X posted by Hugh Grant, which has since been deleted

Screenshot taken from social media site X posted by Hugh Grant, which has since been deleted (Hugh Grant/PA)

Previously, National Highways had urged travelers, including those heading to the Chelsea Flower Show in London, to allow extra travel time as there had been around three miles of congestion.

They warned that lanes were closed on the A3 in London northbound between the A244 junction at Esher and the A309 junction at Chessington to facilitate TfL's work on the Tolworth underpass.

The start of the long weekend on Friday coincided with the start of semesters for many schools.

The RAC predicts that more than 20 million leisure car journeys will be made between Friday and Bank Holiday Monday.

This would be the most for the end of May bank holiday weekend since 2019.

An attempted theft of signaling cables disrupted a major railway line earlier on Friday, as National Rail Investigations said trains must run at reduced speeds between Birmingham New Street and Wolverhampton until the damaged cables are repaired .

Meanwhile, a points failure also prevented trains from calling at stations between these locations.

The problems affected passengers traveling with Avanti West Coast, CrossCountry, London Northwestern Railway, Transport for Wales and West Midlands Railway.

Many train services are also expected to be affected this weekend as Network Rail carries out engineering projects.

Services on the West Coast Main Line will be reduced due to works around Crewe and Carlisle.

Trains are also expected to be affected by track renewals between Carstairs and Lanark in Scotland, while there will be significant changes to services on the Great Eastern Main Line due to construction work on a new station at Beaulieu Park, London. is from Chelmsford.

Network Rail says it often carries out major engineering work during public holiday periods to reduce the number of passengers affected.

Aviation analytics firm Cirium said Friday was expected to be the busiest day of the year for UK airports since October 2019, with more than 3,150 flights departing.

In total, 8,486 flights are planned between Saturday and Monday, or more than 1.5 million seats.

The most popular international destinations for departures to the UK are Dublin, Amsterdam, Palma, Alicante and Malaga.




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