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Randall Batinkoff – IMDb

Randall Batinkoff – IMDb
Randall Batinkoff – IMDb


Randall Batinkoff has worked with some of the film industry's best actors and directors over the past three decades. His acting career began at the age of nine. While shopping at a toy store with his mother, an agent came up and asked if he would be interested in auditioning for a commercial. Randall got the job and 50 others by the time he finished high school at Phillips Academy in Massachusetts. Midway through his junior year at Brown University, he got his big break when he was cast as Stan Bobrucz in For Keeps? (1988). He graduated from Brown with a degree in international relations.

After college, he returned to Hollywood, where he played Reg Goldman, the son of the studio executive who bullies Tim Robbins in Robert Altman's classic film, _The Player_. He next played Rip Van Kelt, the morally torn leader of the football team in School Ties (1992), alongside Matt Damon, Brendan Fraser and Chris O'Donnell, as well as Buffy's dimwitted boyfriend Jeffrey in the cult comedy Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (1992).

Batinkoff had winning roles in John Singleton's Higher Learning (1995); in Nicole Holofcener's Sundance debut, Walking and Talking (1996); in The Peacemaker (1997), with Nicole Kidman and George Clooney; in _Mad City_ with Dustin Hoffman and John Travolta; and as Helen Hunt's detestable, forehead-licking date in James L. Brooks' Academy Award-winning As Good as It Gets (1997).

Batinkoff starred in the edgy Sundance contender Dead Man's Curve (1998), as Rand, a mild-mannered, well-groomed killer opposite Keri Russell and Matthew Lillard, and in the Slamdance premiere Let the Devil Wear Black (1998). 1999), in the role of a racist hit. man with Norman Reedus, Mary-Louise Parker and Jacqueline Bisset. Batinkoff received rave reviews from critics when he played Hugh Hefner in the Peter Werner-directed American Studios film, Hefner: Unauthorized (1999).

Batinkoff stars alongside Jennifer Lopez and Martin Sheen in Bordertown (2007), Gregory Nava's drama about the Juarez murders; and in Broken (2006), where he co-starred with Heather Graham and Jeremy Sisto.

Randall recently had a memorable role in Lionsgate's cult film Kick-Ass (2010), based on the hit comic book of the same name, directed by Matthew Vaughn and starring Nicolas Cage and Chlo Grace Moretz. Randall produced Kick-Ass: The Game (2010) for the Sony Playstation Network.

37: A Final Promise (2014) marks his directorial debut, which he also co-wrote and produced.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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