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Chris Pratt spent his first Hollywood salary 'very quickly'

Chris Pratt spent his first Hollywood salary 'very quickly'


These days, Chris Pratt is a big star, with plenty of paychecks coming in. But he still remembers what that first big payday felt like.

“I felt like I would never run out of money,” Pratt told Sway Calloway this week on SiriusXM. Rock in the morning (video below).

“The first paycheck I got, I was like, 'Are you serious?'” guardians of the galaxy said the star. “I mean, you know, I had lived on very little money for a long time, so the first big job I had, I remember, was a Schedule F job, and that was a TV movie, I got paid $75,000, and I was like, 'I'll never wait. [tables] Again. F— you bitches. I’m leaving,” and then about two months later I was like, “Where did that money go?”

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Much of it went to travel.

“I went back to Maui, I went to Australia, I traveled the world,” Pratt said. “I thought, 'Well, I'll probably invest, I'll probably buy a yacht.' I didn't know how, it was just a crazy amount of money for me, I could never have imagined winning that amount of money and it happened very quickly.

Pratt's first major role was in the WB drama Everlasting wood in 2002, a job that lasted until 2006. From 2009 to 2015, he appeared alongside Amy Poehler in the NBC comedy Parks and Recreation, playing the adorable but dim-witted Andy. He went on to star in The Lego Movies, Superhero Movies and The Next Age of Jurassic Park. So $75,000 was just the start; he would have now earns millions per film.

It's been quite a transition, said Pratt, who said Weekly Entertainment as of August 2014, he was formerly living in his van on Maui. He got a chance when, during one of his shifts at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, he waited for Rae Dawn Chong, who gave Pratt a role in a short film she directed, Cursed Part 3which is his very first IMDb credit.

Chris Pratt.

Jamie McCarthy/Getty

So the money started coming in, but Pratt didn't really know how to handle it.

“Because we never had any money growing up,” he said. “No one ever taught me financial literacy. I didn't know what to do with money. It was like the money came in, I spent it, you know what I mean? I had to a lot of time to kind of stop and say, “All right, I have to get careful about this.” I have to think: What am I going to do? How am I going to get to the point? , if I stop working one day, everything will be okay, my family will be okay? The financial literacy plan, you know, later in my life was kind of one of the stages of my growth.

When asked when he felt like he was a successful actor, Pratt talked about his first major television series.

“I did a TV show called Everlasting wood in 2003, maybe 21 years ago, and I bought my mom a house,” he said. “That's when I felt like I have succeeded.”




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