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Birmingham, North Hollywood baseball teams prepare for City Section championship games – Daily News

Birmingham, North Hollywood baseball teams prepare for City Section championship games – Daily News


Dodger Stadium is the dream destination for CIF Los Angeles City Section baseball teams. The Open Division and Division I championship games will be played there on Saturday.

North Hollywood and Banning will play in the Division I game at 10 a.m. and Birmingham will play Bell in the Open Division at 1 p.m.

Doors will open to the public at 9 a.m. and a clear bag policy will be enforced. Parking is free.

Here's what to expect during the championship matches:


North Hollywood (19-12) vs. Banning (18-13), 10 a.m.

North Hollywood finished the regular season with two losses to finish third in the East Valley League, but bounced back in the Division I playoffs. The Huskies defeated Chatsworth 6-2 in the semifinals.

Senior Cristian Calderon went 1 for 2 in the game and hit his sixth home run of the season and junior Enoch Yi was 2 for 4 with an RBI while going the distance on the mound. Seven North Hollywood players recorded hits in the game and five players drove in a run.

Diego Velazquez, a senior, leads the team in hitting with a .377 batting average, 40 hits and 12 doubles and also has 18 RBIs. Calderon drove in the most runs (25 RBIs) and hit .293 with a .473 on-base percentage.

Yi threw a no-hitter in a 4-0 win over Wilson in the first round of the playoffs. He recorded 10 strikeouts as North Hollywood defeated Wilson 4-0.

Calderon (3-0) and Yi (7-3) have been two of the Huskies' best pitchers this season. Calderon owns a 2.41 ERA and has struck out 33 batters in 40 2/3 innings this season, while Yi owns a 2.24 ERA in 72 1/3 innings and has struck out 115 opponents. taken.

North Hollywood also has an option in junior Maxwell Koster, who is 3-3 on the mound with a 2.02 ERA.

Banning is playing in its first City Section championship game since 1997. Pitcher and dual-sport athlete Robert Guerrero allowed two hits in the semifinal win over South East and hit .352.


Birmingham (19-10-1) vs. Bell (21-6), 1 p.m.

West Valley League champions Birmingham make their third straight appearance in the Open Division final after whitewash Carson 3-0 in semi-final.

“You play the whole season and the whole offseason for this,” Patriots coach Matt Mowry said after the game. “The ultimate goal is to get there and it’s not easy.”


Birmingham baseball returns to the City Section Open Division championship game. #journalist #journalist #baseball #sports #highschoolbaseball #highschoolsports #Van Nuys #sanfernandovalley #Malibu

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The Patriots shut out Carson and San Pedro on their way to Dodger Stadium. No. 2 pitcher Allen Olmos recorded five strikeouts in five innings against Carson before Michael Figueroa stepped in for two innings of relief. Figueroa, a battle-tested senior ace, will start the championship game.

“The biggest thing we did last year as a team was get him in that playoff game against Calabasas,” Lowry said of Figueroa. “It really gave him some playoff experience and I think that’s helped him so far.” Hopefully this will continue to work for him.

Jayb Dalumpines, batting third, had a hit in the semifinal game and Sebastian Valadez had two hits and a double. Freshman Julius Truitt hit a second-inning triple that gave the Patriots a 2-0 lead, then later scored a run.

Bell shut out top-seeded Granada Hills Charter 1-0 in the semifinals and limited the Highlanders to just two hits.

The Eagles pitched several underclassmen in the victory and will make their first championship appearance since 1953. Sophomore pitcher Jayden Rojas (8-2, 1.05 ERA) will be available for the championship game.




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