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Kajol-Prabhu Deva to reunite after 27 years, Charan Tej Uppalapati set for Bollywood debut India TV

Kajol-Prabhu Deva to reunite after 27 years, Charan Tej Uppalapati set for Bollywood debut India TV


Kajol-Prabhu Deva
Image source: IMDB Kajol-Prabhu Deva reunite after 27 years for a Bollywood film

After 27 years, the iconic duo of Bollywood actor Kajol and choreographer Prabhu Deva are coming together again for a big-budget action thriller. The film will also feature actors like Naseeruddin Shah, Sanyukta Menon, Jisshu Sen Gupta and Aditya Seal. Charan Tej Uppalapati will direct the film. The film will mark Uppalapathy's Bollywood debut. This will be the first time that Kajol will work with Naseeruddin.

Kajol and Prabhu Deva have completed the first schedule of their action thriller

According to the report, the first schedule of the film has been completed. The makers are now gearing up to release the teaser of the film soon. The makers of this ambitious film are pulling out all the stops and have roped in 'Jawaan' cinematographer GK Vishnu and 'Pushpa 2' editor Naveen Nooli for their expertise. Niranjan Iyengar and Jessica Khurana wrote their scripts.

The film's music score will be composed by Harshvardhan Rameshwar, who has previously worked on Sandeep Reddy Vanga's 'Animal'. This film starring Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role turned out to be a big hit, its music won the hearts of the audience. Other details related to the film's plot and title have been kept under wraps. The makers are confident that the combination of a star cast and a top technical team will make this action spectacle one of the most anticipated upcoming releases.

Kajol and Prabhu Deva reunite after 27 years

Talking about Kajol and Prabhu Deva, they worked together in Rajeev Menon's Tamil language film Minsara Kanavu in 1997. The film, which also starred Arvind Swamy, was a huge success. Later, its Hindi dubbed version was released as 'Sapna'. In this, the popular song “Chanda Re” was highly appreciated by the audience.

On the work front

On the work front, Kajol was last seen in an episode of 'Lust Stories 2'. Kajol will be seen in many more big films in the coming days. These include 'Do Patti' with Kriti Sanon, 'Sarzameen' with Ibrahim Ali Khan and Prithviraj Sukumaran. Kajol also has a horror film 'Maa' in the pipeline, currently in production. Meanwhile, Prabhu Deva is working on the film 'The Greatest of All Time', starring Dalapathy Vijay in the lead role. This film will hit the big screens in September this year.

Read also: Anil Kapoor out of Ajay Devgn's 'De De Pyaar De 2', YRF's spy universe becomes reason?




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