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Summer polo season opens this weekend at King Family Vineyards

Summer polo season opens this weekend at King Family Vineyards
Summer polo season opens this weekend at King Family Vineyards


A Central Virginia summer staple returns to King Family Vineyards on Sunday with equal doses of excitement and relaxation. It's time once again to see Roseland Polo in action.

From Memorial Day weekend through October, visitors can spread out picnic blankets, settle into lawn chairs and enjoy a summer Sunday of the sport of kings played by the polo club and his guests. King Family Vineyards' tradition of welcoming community members to enjoy polo, wine and luxurious views of the Crozet countryside dates back two decades, thanks to founder David King's passions for polo, wine and community.

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Attending regularly can offer a chance to familiarize yourself with the sport. Stuart King, managing partner of King Family Vineyards, told the Daily Progress that the picturesque setting provides plenty of opportunities to learn about polo.

We have information about polo on the website and people can look at the QR codes, he said. Obviously, by watching you can learn a lot. We have an announcer giving play-by-play.

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A couple sits under an umbrella and watches a polo match during the Roseland Polo National Youth Tournament Series at King Family Vineyards on Sunday, July 30, 2023.


Visitors have plenty of time to choose a spot and settle in before the riders and horses appear.

Doors open at 10 a.m. [a.m.], said Stuart King. Usually some people show up at the doors a little early and we drop the channel at 10 o'clock.

Fans can generally expect to see matches at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. on an average Sunday. Expect to see four players assembled per team. A match is divided into four chukkers, each lasting 7 1/2 minutes. At the end of a match, 60 polo ponies will have taken the field.

Golf carts will drive by with supplies of King Family wines, as well as water and hats with the Roseland Polo and King Family Vineyards logos to help keep the summer heat at bay.

Occasionally, throw chukkers at halftime with the youth group, Ali King, director of the Roseland Polo Club and course program manager, told the Daily Progress.

It's fine to bring a picnic from home, but no outside alcohol is allowed. It's also important to stay aware of the game action even while you relax, as polo balls can reach speeds of up to 110 miles per hour and have been known to occasionally cross the perimeter without warning.

Balls can come off the boards at any time, Ali King said.


Hanan Fadil of the Acme Stove and Fireplace Center sponsored team hits the ball during the Roseland Polo National Youth Tournament Series at King Family Vineyards on Sunday, July 30, 2023.


Keep an eye on the weather forecast and be sure to check the website and social media for updates. If the field conditions are too wet for horses and riders to compete safely, Roseland Polo will not take any chances. Any announcement of modification or cancellation will be made before 8:00 a.m.

The sun in the sky does not always mean that the playing surface is dry enough from previous rains.

We really need to pay attention to the safety of our horses and riders, said Ali King. The weather can be nice and the conditions on the ground can be bad.

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If watching polo inspires you to discover what it means to join the fray, Roselands Polo School offers courses for youth and adults. No prior driving experience? No problem. Classes are available for all experience levels.

Ali King said a popular option is the Intro to Polo Experience. which begins with 1h30 of polo training on the ground with mallets then in the saddle. Classes are followed by a guided wine tasting in the King Family Vineyards tasting room.

She said the introductory course is a popular choice for business groups looking for a positive shared experience, providing both team-building time and pure fun.

We have hosted up to 40 people at a time, and it is a unique experience, said Ali King.




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