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HBO brings this actor from The Last of US Part II to reprise his role for their live-action Season 2 | Web Series

HBO brings this actor from The Last of US Part II to reprise his role for their live-action Season 2 |  Web Series


Hollywood veteran Jeffrey Wright is set to reprise his role in The Last of Us Part II for the second season of the HBO series.

HBO confirms the return of Jeffrey Wright as Isaac in The Last of Us Season 2 (Naughty Dog)
HBO confirms the return of Jeffrey Wright as Isaac in The Last of Us Season 2 (Naughty Dog)

Wright will join Season 2 of HBO's The Last of US as Isaac, the same character he played in Naughty Dog's post-apocalyptic title.

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Jeffrey Wright attends the Governors Ball during the 96th Annual Academy Awards at Dolby Theater on March 10, 2024 in Hollywood, California.  Mike Coppola/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by Mike Coppola / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)(Getty Images via AFP)
Jeffrey Wright attends the Governors Ball during the 96th Annual Academy Awards at Dolby Theater on March 10, 2024 in Hollywood, California. Mike Coppola/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by Mike Coppola / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)(Getty Images via AFP)

HBO said the video game's Isaac is the quiet, powerful leader of a large militia who sought freedom, but instead became mired in an endless war against a surprisingly resourceful enemy and avoided giving up major spoilers from the game.

The Batman star joins returning protagonists Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey, who received praise for their respective portrayals of Joel and Ellie. The cast also includes Gabriel Luna and Rutina Wesley, who already made their mark in the show's first season.

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Earlier this year, when asked if he would return to reprise his role in the HBO adaptation, Writ replied, “Anything is possible.” We will see.

The Last of Us season 2 is expected to introduce a host of new characters

Kaitlyn Dever plays Abby, while Isabela Merced plays the character Dina. Young Mazino will play Jesse, with Ariela Barer as Mel, Tati Gabrielle as Nora, Spencer Lord as Owen and Danny Ramirez as Manny.

The legendary Catherine OHara is expected to make a special appearance in a role that has not yet been revealed.

Wright's career was marked by a series of critically acclaimed performances.

The Washington native's recent portrayal in American Fiction earned him his first Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe nomination.

Wright has been rewarded with five Emmy nominations, winning one for his role in HBO's Angels in America, which also earned him a Tony Award for the stage version.

Her Emmy nominations include nominations for her compelling work in Westworld and her voiceover work in the Marvels animated series What If?

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Wright's filmography is diverse, playing Commissioner Gordon in The Batman, the Daniel Craig-led James Bond films, Asteroid City and The Hunger Games: Mockingjay.

The show's writers and executive producer, Craig Mazin, told reporters when answering questions about season 2: Sometimes it will be radically different, and sometimes it will be. [barely] different at all. But it's going to be different and it's going to be its own thing.

It won't be exactly like the game. It will be the show that Neil and I want to make.




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