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Bollywood News: Janhvi Kapoor surprises fans with in-depth insights on Gandhi, Ambedkar and casteism: 'This problem we have in our society'

Bollywood News: Janhvi Kapoor surprises fans with in-depth insights on Gandhi, Ambedkar and casteism: 'This problem we have in our society'
Bollywood News: Janhvi Kapoor surprises fans with in-depth insights on Gandhi, Ambedkar and casteism: 'This problem we have in our society'


Janhvi Kapoor, often recognized for her acting rather than her political awareness, surprised many with her insightful views on Mahatma Gandhi, BR Ambedkar and casteism in a recent interview with The Lallantop. The young actress, known for her roles in films like “Bawaal”, has shown a deep interest in history and an openness to discussing complex social issues.

Janhvi Kapoors thoughts on Gandhi and Ambedkar

In the interview, Janhvi was asked which historical period she would like to experience first-hand. She expressed a desire to attend a debate between Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, and BR Ambedkar, the principal architect of the Indian Constitution, particularly on the subject of casteism.

Janhvi remarked, “I think Ambedkar was always very clear and stern from the beginning about his position. But I think Gandhi's views continued to evolve as he became more and more exposed to (casteism). This is the problem of casteism in our society. Taking information from a third party and using it is very different from us, very different (this question of casteism that we have in our society, of collecting information from a third party and actually experiencing it, there is a huge difference there).

School and home: conversations about caste

When asked further about discussions about caste during her schooling, Janhvi revealed that caste was never a topic of conversation in her school or at home. She said: Actually, simple ghar mein kabhi caste ko le kar koi conversation nahi hui (there was no conversation around caste, even in my house).

Reactions on social networks

Janhvis' candid discussion on such an important issue sparked various reactions online. A user on Bollywood actor. Janhvi Kapoor on Ambedkar, Gandhi and caste (clap emoji). Another user compared her to Swara Bhasker, noting that although Swara has a long history of speaking out on political issues, Janhvi's point of view was surprisingly thoughtful and clear. Several users expressed their admiration for Janhvi's understanding of the subject. One commented: Very impressed! Another noted: “Very rare to see such a level of understanding and study (clap emoji). However, not everyone was convinced. Some critics felt his comments lacked depth, with one remarking: Lol, other than taking two famous names, what intellectualism am I missing here?

Janhvi Kapoors Upcoming Projects

On a professional note, Janhvi is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film, 'Mr & Mrs Mahi', starring Rajkummar Rao. The trailer of the film has already generated significant buzz. In preparation for her role, Janhvi underwent rigorous training, including extensive cricket practice. She shared, “When I started prepping for the film during Mili promotions, I was 8-9 kilos heavier. Sharan [the director] was very stressed. He said, “You don’t look like a cricketer and if you really want to do this film, you need to lose weight and start practicing cricket.

Janhvis' training was particularly intense, even leading to injuries. She trained daily with the KKR players and the rigorous sessions left her with ligament injuries in both shoulders. Despite these challenges, she persevered, demonstrating her dedication to her craft.




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