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Bollywood Singer Badshah Mesmerizes Magic on Day 3 of Grafest | Garhwal Post

Bollywood Singer Badshah Mesmerizes Magic on Day 3 of Grafest |  Garhwal Post


By our journalist

Dehradun, May 24: THEthirdnight of the annual Graphic Era festival,Fallen down– 2024 was made magical by the captivating voice of the famousBollywoodsingerBadshah. Students danced for hours to his many hit songs.

Known as Badshah, Aditya Prateek Singh Sisodia, is asinger, rapper and musician. A crowd of thousands of enthusiastic students gathered in the university grounds even before he reached the venue.

Badshah started this memorable evening with his song Roti khati tu kis aate ki hath lagao dekhe aise jaise kategi ye ladki pagal hai pagal hai pagal hai pagal hai. He then sang many songs. As soon as the students heard the song of Baadshah gaadi shor mahaye suniyo aankhen kon milaye suniyo chal chalan aur tevar chaaku bachke rahio ladke hai daaku…, sadko pe chale jb ladko k dilo me tu aag lagade baby fire, nakli se nakhre tu kare jb dekh hame jhoothi ​​Den… Tenu kaala chashma jachda hai, jachda hai gaya mukhde pe…, they couldn't stop dancing. This series of amazing songs started late in the evening and continued until almost midnight.

Her songs, you see, your color is white, the white girl is not here, you are a hot deal.. Nakhre vilaiti, ego me reti, shan khati full, aree ladki kar gyi chul…, bas aaj ki raat hai , kal se bade haippe hai, jee After all, you don't have a plan of the house, you have a regulation about the club, what is it, it's just the beginning, the party just started…, why are you happy about this, why did you give me your stuff, I don't know what hua mujhe tere pyaar me chamku jese jugnu…, dj wale mera gaana tu baja de thori volume onochi karde thora bass tu bardha de de.. dj wale baby mera gaana chala do do… were received with great applause and cheers from the young people.

With each Badshah song, the frequency of the youth's dance steps increased. After a while, the situation was such that all the students present on the field started dancing. Students danced at different locations across the university campus. Many giant screens have also been installed in different places so that everyone can see him play. He then sang many songs at the request of the students. Applauding the discipline and enthusiasm of Graphic Eras students, Baadshah said he was waiting to come to Graphic Era. Before that, Dj Kdee set the mood forFallen downwith its incredible mashups.

Badshah announced that he would pay half of the fees of an MBA and B.Tech student from Graphic Era, Nancy and Dhruv. Due to the recent death of their father, Graphic Era had already given up half of their fees.

Chairman of Graphic Era Group of Institutions, Dr. Kamal Ghanshala, Vice-Chairman Rakhi Ghanshala, Professional Chancellor of Graphic Era Deemed University, Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Vice-Chancellor Dr. Narpinder Singh, Vice-Chancellor of Graphic Era Hill University, Dr. Sanjay Jasola , managers, faculties and thousands of people. students were present at this special event.




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