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Diljit Dosanjh, from musical sensation to Bollywood star

Diljit Dosanjh, from musical sensation to Bollywood star


By Ashna Shree


Know your stars: Diljit Dosanjh, from music sensation to Bollywood star

Diljit Dosanjh (born 6 January 1984) is an Indian singer, songwriter, actor, film producer and television personality. He worked in Punjabi music and then in Punjabi and Hindi cinema.

Date of birth of Diljit Dosanjh:

Diljit Dosanjh was born on January 6th 1984, in a Sikh family in the village of Dosanjh Kalan, near Jalandhar, Punjab. Her father, Balbir Singh, is a former employee of Punjab Roadways and her mother, Sukhwinder Kaur, is a housewife. He has two siblings, an older sister and a younger brother. After this, he moved to Ludhiana for further studies and enrolled in Shri Harkrishan Sahib Public School. Dosanjh started singing in gurdwaras while he was still in school, and he also started singing in theaters when he started college.

Diljit is 1st Music album:

In 2003, Diljit's debut album, Ishq Da Uda Ada, was released through Finetone Cassettes, a division of T-Series. Rajinder Singh of Finetone advised Dosanjh to spell his first name Diljit rather than Daljit in order to help him making his breakthrough in the Punjabi music industry.

Diljit's Acting Career:

The Lion of Punjab, Diljit's 2011 debut film in Pollywood, Punjab's film industry, was a failure at the box office. Nevertheless, he and Yo Yo Honey Singh sang the film's title single, `Lak 28 Kudi Da}, which became a huge hit. After his first feature film, Dosanjh starred in Jihne Mera Dil Luteya (2011), a successful film when it was released. Dosanjh has appeared in a number of films including Mukhtiar Chadha, Punjab 1984, Sardaar Ji, Saadi Love Story. The 2012 release of Jatt and Juliet is considered one of the biggest hits in the history of Pollywood cinema, as well as Daljeet's career.

Diljit's debut in Bollywood

Diljit1st Hindi film, crime drama Udta Punjab (2016). The film was a commercial success, generating 996.7 million in total revenue worldwide. The film, directed by Abhishek Chaubey, explores the issue of drug use in the Indian state of Punjab. With Alia Bhatt, Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor. In September 2016, Dosanjh, along with Anushka Sharma and Suraj Sharma, had completed her second Bollywood production, Phillauri. The film was released on March 23, 2017. At the box office, it grossed over 5 million.

Diljit's GOAT, to Amar Singh Chamkila:

After the release of his 11th album, GOAT, in 2020, Dosanjh was included in the Billboard Social 50 list. Later, the album reached the top of the Top Triller Global list on Billboard. The album also debuted in the top 20 on the Canadian Albums Chart. In the Imtiaz Ali film Amar Singh Chamkila, which debuted on Netflix in 2024, Dosanjh portrayed Punjabi artist Amar Singh Chamkila against Parineeti Chopra.

Diljit rumors:

Diljit Dosanjh has been very secretive about his private life. Diljit Dosanjh and Oshin Brar collaborated in the film Mukhtiar Chadha in 2015. Their photos are going viral right now and many people are claiming that she was his supposed wife. The actress, however, refuted the rumors, saying that someone was plotting to harm her because they didn't want to see her collaborate with the singer again.




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