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Cannes Film Festival 2024 Winners List (Live Update)

Cannes Film Festival 2024 Winners List (Live Update)


After two weeks of non-stop cinema, the moment of truth has finally arrived. The winners of the 77th Cannes Film Festival were announced Saturday evening during a gala ceremony.

The Palme d'Or, the festival's highest honor, went to Sean Baker's zany comedy about sex workers Anora. Baker, nervous and shaking, took the stage and thanked the jury, saying he “still couldn't believe it.” Baker said winning Cannes' top prize was “my singular goal as a filmmaker for the last 30 years.”

Baker also cited Francis Ford Coppola and David Cronenberg, two veteran directors whose films are in competition at Cannes this year, as main inspirations. Baker has come a long way since filming his 2015 feature film Tangerine on an iPhone5s to win the Palme d'Or. He is the first American director to win the Palme since Terrence Malick for The tree of life in 2011.

Commenting on the jury's decision, the president of the jury, barbie director Greta Gerwig, said Anora There was “something that reminded us of a classic, there were structures by Lubitsch and Howard Hawks. It did something truthful and unexpected.

Anora is the fifth consecutive Neon film to win the top prize at Cannes, after Anatomy of a fall, Triangle of sadness, Titanium And Parasite. Neon has yet to set a U.S. release date for the film, but expects to release it in early October, as they did for their previous Palme winners, a film machine under which proved successful both for awards season and at the box office.

The Grand Prize, presented during a surprise appearance by Viola Davis, was awarded to Payal Kapadia Everything we imagine as lightthe first Indian film to be presented in competition at Cannes since 1994.

Kapadia took advantage of his thank you speech to express his solidarity with the workers of the Cannes festival who are fighting for better working conditions, and displayed his red button “Under the screens la dèche”, of the collective representing the independent workers of the festival . Workers protested throughout this year's festival. Kapadia said the values ​​that drive him as a filmmaker are “solidarity and empathy” and pointed to “the many people who work behind the scenes at the festival, they have done a magnificent job, it's thanks to them that the festival exists” before clicking on its button Under the screens.

Iranian political melodrama The seed of the sacred fig by dissident director Mohammad Rasoulof, who fled Iran just weeks before the festival, received a special jury prize.

The female stars of Jacques Audiard's gender-transitioning Mexican detective musical Emilie Pérez: Adriana Paz, Zoe Saldaña, Selena Gomez and titular lead Karla Sofia Gascon won best actress, with Gascon becoming the first trans actress to win at Cannes. Emilie Pérez also received the jury prize.

“Women together: that’s something we wanted to honor when we give this award,” Gerwig said. “Each of them stands out, but together they are transcendent. »

Jesse Plemmons won Best Actor for his role in Kinds of Kindnessthe anthology film by Yorgos Lanthimos which grouped it with his Poor things stars Emma Stone and Willem Dafoe. THE Civil war And The power of the dog The actor plays three roles in Lanthimos' strange, surreal triptych: a submissive businessman, a grieving police officer and a member of a bisexual cult.

This Cannes has been divisive and there was no clear favorite for this year's awards. Only a few films, including Everything we imagine as light And The seed of the sacred fig – have been universally embraced by critics.

Most have divided the public. by Coppola Megalopolisstarring Adam Driver, has been both widely criticized and selectively celebrated. Emilie Pérez was hailed by most as a masterpiece but left some critics cold.

Bakery Anora was praised by American critics but dismissed by many in Europe as too mainstream for the Cannes competition. Andrea Arnold's Birda working-class melodrama with fantastical elements, has also attracted both praise and criticism in almost equal measure. The substance, from French director Coralie Fargeat and starring Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, and Dennis Quaid, was hailed as a masterpiece and dismissed as an unoriginal update of David Cronenberg-style body horror. Cronenberg's new film, The Shroudsalso in competition, didn't so much divide critics as leave them disappointed, with most calling the film a toned-down version of familiar themes from the veteran Canadian filmmaker.

Donald Trump by Ali Abbasi The apprenticewhich examines how the former US president was shaped by his tutelage under the tutelage of dogged lawyer Roy Cohn (Sebastian Stan plays Trump, Jeremy Strong is Cohn), has received the most press attention, particularly after that Trump's lawyers sent a cease and desist order to the filmmakers. , trying to prevent the film from being sold in the United States. But Abbasi's somewhat conventional biographical approach, and what some saw as an overly sympathetic view of Trump's early years, has not gone down well with some critics.

A filmmaker on whom everyone agrees is George Lucas, who received an honorary Palme d'Or during this evening's ceremony, for his contribution to cinema, from his first feature film, THX-1138premiered at the Directors' Fortnight in Cannes in 1971, at Star Wars And Indiana Jones franchise. Lucas received the Palme d'Honneur from his old friend Coppola, whom he called his “big brother and mentor” after receiving the award.

“I came here today to thank you all,” Lucas said. “I'm just a kid who grew up in the middle of California, surrounded by wineries, and made films in San Francisco with my friend Francis Coppola. We have therefore spent our entire careers in parallel, and in San Francisco in particular. In fact, I have never made a Hollywood film as a director. So it's a great honor to be here. I can tell you that.”

Here is the full list of winners:

Palme d'Or

Sean Baker, Anora

Grand Prix

Everything we imagine as light

Jury Prize

Emilie Pérez

Best Director

Miguel Gomez, big tour

Best screenplay

Coralie Fargeat, The substance

Best actress

Adriana Paz, Zoe Saldaña, Karla Sofia Gascon, Selena Gomez, Emilie Pérez

Best actor

Jesse Plemons, Kinds of Kindness

Honorary Palme d’Or

George Lucas

Special price

Mohammed Rasoulof, The seed of the sacred fig

Camera d'Or for best first film

Halfdan Ullman Tondel, Armand

Palme d'Or for best short film

Nebojsa Slijepcevic, The man who couldn't stay silent




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