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Best Actress Winner at Cannes: Meet Anasuya Sengupta: The First Indian Actor to Win the Best Actress Award at Cannes, Who Once Worked as a Production Designer

Best Actress Winner at Cannes: Meet Anasuya Sengupta: The First Indian Actor to Win the Best Actress Award at Cannes, Who Once Worked as a Production Designer


Anasuya Sengupta, the first Indian actress to win the Best Actress award at Cannes, initially never planned to pursue an acting career. Born in Kolkata, Sengupta earned a degree in English literature from Jadavpur University and initially aimed to explore journalism. But his journey takes an unexpected turn.

Early career and move to Mumbai

Anasuya started her career with a supporting role in Anjan Dutta's film 'Madly Bangalee' in 2009. Later, she ventured into acting before moving to Mumbai in 2013, where she worked as a production designer. Reflecting on her work, Anasuya shared in an interview with My Kolkata: As a production designer in Mumbai, the projects closest to my heart include Sanjeev Sharmas Saat Uchakkey (2016) and Srijit Mukherjis Forget Me Not, which is part from the Netflix anthology Ray (2021). She also contributed to the visual appeal of Netflix’s “Masaba Masaba.”
Despite her success, Anasuya felt stifled and claustrophobic in Mumbai. Although connected to the art world, a part of me felt lost, deprived of freedom of expression, she confessed to My Kolkata. This prompted him to move to Goa, supported by his father's encouragement. I wasn't sure about the financial viability, but my father's words: “What's the worst that could happen?” gave me courage, she added.

Anasuya's chance love story

In Goa, Anasuya meets Yashdeep, who will become her husband. Remembering their first meeting, she posted on Instagram: We met online. He liked my art and wanted a calendar. We spent a week exploring Goa together, him on his Enfield, me on my scooter.

Anasuya's breakthrough came when her Facebook friend, director Konstantin Bojanov, invited her to audition for his film The Shameless. In June 2020, Konstantin wrote to me asking me to take a test for a leading role. My first response was: Why me? Anasuya shared. Bojanov was impressed immediately after seeing the tape of his audition, saying: “It was a yes on the first try.

The Shameless: a revolutionary film

“The Shameless”, a dark thriller set against the backdrop of the devadasi system, stars Anasuya as Renuka, a woman who escapes from a brothel in Delhi after killing a policeman. The film also stars Omara Shetty as Devika, a teenager who Renuka falls in love with. Shot in Nepal and Mumbai, the film earned Anasuya the Best Actress award in the Un Certain Regard section at Cannes 2024. After receiving her award, Anasuya dedicated it to queer and marginalized communities around the world. You don't have to be gay to fight for equality or colonized to know that colonization is bad. We just have to be decent human beings, she said, as reported by Variety.

Anasuya's path to recognition

Anasuya's journey from supporting actor in Madly Bangalee to award-winning actress at Cannes is a testament to her resilience and talent. Her role in “The Shameless” not only showcases her acting prowess, but also her commitment to highlighting important social issues.

Anasuya Sengupta's story is one of unexpected twists and triumphs, culminating with her historic victory at Cannes and her dedication to the fight for equality and justice.




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