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Rumor has it that Reed Richards' role is close to casting

Rumor has it that Reed Richards' role is close to casting


The main cast of Fantastic Four it was previously revealed to include The last of us star Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards. This ended fan speculation about who might play the role, although one actor confirmed rumors that he was being considered.

During the casting process, rumors were circulating that Rahul Kohli (Midnight Mass, The Fall of House Usher) was one of the names proposed for the role of Reed Richards. There had also been a lot of fan support behind the idea of ​​casting Kohli for the role. In a new interview with Salaam Nerds, Kohli opened up about the rumored casting of confirming he was up for the role, but “I didn’t understand”. He didn't share much else about the audition, concerned about how much he was allowed to reveal, although he did comment on how it felt to have fans supporting the possibility: similar to how others fan-cast him as John Constantine in the DCU.


Marvel's Fantastic Four Releases Never Before Seen Content

The Fantastic Four: Full Circle Expanded Edition arrives this October with new material and commentary from critically acclaimed Marvel artist Alex Ross.

“Yes I I don't know if I have the right to talk about it but I don't understand, that's the important thing“, Kohli said, according to Screen Rant. “But on good days, I see the Constantine [fan casting]. It will ignite again and again. And I love them all. On good days you're like, “Dude, I’m wanted!” » People really want to see. You're the guy people yell at for anything. On bad days, “It's a reminder that you're not the guy. You're not there. These are the roles you'll never get. So it's sweet and it's a perspective. It's how you feel about yourself. »

Pedro Pascal is the new Reed Richards in Fantastic Four

Pascal is one of four main characters officially announced to lead the cast of Fantastic Four. Pascal's Reed Richards (aka Mister Fantastic) are joined by Vanessa Kirby as Sue Storm (aka Invisible Woman), Joseph Quinn as Johnny Storm (aka Human Torch), and Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Ben Grimm (aka The Thing). Julia Garner will play a female version of Silver Surfer, while Ralph Inseon will play the villainous Galactus. Paul Walter Hauser, Natasha Lyonne and John Malkovich will also appear in mystery roles. Matt Shakman directs.


10 Best Marvel Comics The MCU Fantastic Four Should Adapt

The comic origins of the Fantastic Four and those of Galactus and Silver Surfer are all worthy of being adapted properly for the first time by the MCU.

Fantastic Four will be released in theaters on July 25, 2025. Production on the project is expected to begin in the United Kingdom in late July 2024.

Source: Salaam Nerds

Fantastic Four 2025 movie poster

Fantastic Four (2025)

One of Marvel's most iconic families returns to the big screen, the Fantastic Four.

Matt Shakman

Release date
July 25, 2025

Vanessa Kirby, Pedro Pascal, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Joseph Quinn

Josh Friedman, Jeff Kaplan, Stan Lee, Ian Springer

Main genre
Super hero

Kevin Feige

Production company
Marvel Studios




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