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Santa Anita News: Reincarnate returns Monday at the G2 Hollywood Gold Cup

Santa Anita News: Reincarnate returns Monday at the G2 Hollywood Gold Cup


(Reincarnate / Photos by Holly M. Smith)

From the Santa Anita Media Team:


ARCADIA, Calif. (May 24, 2024) Mr. Fisk, the big winner in the California GIII last month at Santa Anita, and Reincarnate will attempt to give trainer Bob Baffert a record 10th victory in the GII, a 200 Hollywood Gold Cup 000 at 1 miles Monday at Santa Anita.

The Baffert duo are part of an eight-horse field entered for the 86th Hollywood Gold Cup, part of a blockbuster Memorial Day card at Great Race Place. Also looming in the lineup is Subsandor, who was beaten by a head in the 1-mile GI Santa Anita Handicap when he last visited on March 3.

Baffert won the Hollywood Gold Cup last year with Defunded. The win pushed him past the legendary Charlie Whittingham for the most Gold Cup wins of all time.

At the April 20, 1 1/8-mile California course, Mr. Fisk scored by 2 lengths over favorite Judge Miller, who also returns to the Hollywood Gold Cup. It was Mr. Fisk's second victory. Last year, the 4-year-old Arrogate colt won the GIII Native Diver going 1 1/8 miles at Del Mar.

Kazushi Kimura mounted Mr Fisk for the first time in California. While Kimura is now based in Woodbine, he returns to Santa Anita to ride Mr. Fisk. Bred at Sunny Brook Stables, Mr. Fisk has a 10:4-2-0 record with $249,700 in earnings.

Reincarnate finished third in the Big Cap behind stablemate Newgate and runner-up Subsanador. Following that effort, the 4-year-old Good Magic colt traveled to Oaklawn Park and finished fourth in the GII Oaklawn Handicap. Jockey Juan Hernandez, who rode Reincarnate in the Big Cap and Oaklawn Handicap, will be in the irons again. Owned by SF Racing, Starlight Racing and Madaket Stables et al, Reincarnate is 13:3-3-3 with $547,900 in earnings.

Subsanador comes to the Gold Cup with new connections. Following his near miss in the Big Cap, which was Subsanador's second start in the United States after being imported from Argentina, he was sold privately to Wathan Racing and transferred to trainer Richard Mandella.

In his U.S. showing before the Big Cap, Subsandaor finished fourth as the GII San Antonio favorite going 1 1/16 miles on December 26 at Santa Anita. The 5-year-old Fortify, a Group I winner in his native Argentina, has an overall record of 14:7-2-1 with $241,124 in earnings.

Judge Miller was making his California Stakes debut for trainer Mark Glatt. The 4-year-old Curlin colt set the pace under the direction of Mike Smith before being overhauled in the final stretch by Mr. Fisk.

Frankie Dettori takes over aboard Judge Miller. He had previously ridden the chestnut in a one-mile victory on February 24 at Santa Anita.


Race 10 of 11 Approximate start time 5:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)

  1. Reincarnating Juan Hernández 122
  2. Ashcroft Kent Desormeaux 122
  3. Judge Miller Lanfranco Dettori 122
  4. Oviatt Class Umberto Rispoli 122
  5. Mr. Fisk Kazushi Kimura- 124
  6. Sub-healer Flavien Prat 124
  7. Mixed – Antonio Fresu 122
  8. Arrow the great Victor Espinoza – 122

In addition to the Hollywood Gold Cup, Monday's 11-race card also includes the GI Shoemaker Mile and the GI Gamely Stakes. The time for the first message is 1 p.m. Entrance doors open at 11 a.m.




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