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Channing Tatum's Ghost Remake Gets Curious Response From Original Actor

Channing Tatum's Ghost Remake Gets Curious Response From Original Actor



  • Demi Moore Shares Her Thoughts on Channing Tatum
  • Although she acknowledges that some stories are best left untouched, she is optimistic about the new iteration, believing that reinterpretations of classics can bring ”
    wonderful surprises
  • Tatum's
    The remake faces high expectations after the Oscar nominations and box office success of the original.

Channing Tatum Ghost The remake receives a curious and optimistic response from original actor Demi Moore. The 1990s classic of the same name starred Patrick Swayze, Moore and Whoopi Goldberg, and followed banker Sam Wheat (Swayze), who was tragically murdered during an attempted robbery, and his desire to reconnect with his girlfriend. friend Molly (Moore). The film currently holds a 75% Rotten Tomatoes score from critics and, thanks to re-releases, has grossed $500 million at the box office. Details are scarce, but Tatum's Ghost the remake will follow the plot of the original film.

In an interview with Weekly EntertainmentMoore shares his thoughts on Tatum's next film Ghost remake, ultimately saying she's curious to see how it's remade for modern audiences. Although she notes that every story has been told and that some films “it's better not to touch it“, there could be “wonderful surprises” in new versions of existing material. Read his full commentary below:

Look, every story, in some way, has already been told. The wonderful thing is how things can be reinterpreted. I think it's often better to leave certain films, not touch them, and leave them, and then sometimes there are wonderful surprises in that reinterpretation.

Can Channing Tatum's Ghost remake surpass the original?

Sam talks to Oda Mae in Ghost

The remake has big shoes to fill.

Tatum's Ghost The remake has big shoes to fill, considering the original film, as previously mentioned, opened to solid reviews and a strong box office. The film was even nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Editing, Best Score, Best Original Score, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Screenplay. He managed to win the latter two, and he remains a favorite even today, especially fans of the late Swayze.


The 10 Best Patrick Swayze Movies and TV Shows, Ranked

Patrick Swayze's 30-year career is full of classic hits and hidden gems that prove the talented actor was more than just an action hero.

The original film was praised for its writing, citing the script as sharp and witty, offering romance, drama and humor in a truly groundbreaking package. Its visual effects have also aged well, while its deeper themes like the afterlife, grief, and communicating with the dead have not escaped its audiences. There was something for everyone, and couple that with the film's superb performances, especially those from Goldberg, and the result is something that stands the test of time.

Tatum's remake Ghost clashes with the usual expectations of remaking a beloved classic. Details are still scarce, but Tatum is likely taking on the role of Sam. As for his plot, the Ghost The remake will follow that of the original, but Tatum said a few elements that haven't aged well will be adapted for modern audiences. Also regarding its casting, the Ghost The remake did not fill any roles except Tatum's, including Molly and Oda Mae Brown. The roles were played well by Moore and Goldberg respectively, so the bar is high.

The original
is available for streaming on Paramount Plus.

Source: Weekly Entertainment




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