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North Hollywood baseball ends decades-long championship drought in LA City by defeating Banning – Daily News

North Hollywood baseball ends decades-long championship drought in LA City by defeating Banning – Daily News


North Hollywood defeats Banning in the LA City Section I championship game at Dodger Stadium on May 25, 2024. (Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
North Hollywood defeats Banning in the LA City Section I championship game at Dodger Stadium on May 25, 2024. (Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)

LOS ANGELES The North Hollywood baseball team won its first CIF Los Angeles City Section title since 1957 by defeating Banning, 3-1, in eight innings at Dodger Stadium Saturday afternoon.

Not only did the team end a decades-long drought by winning the Division I title, they did so without having a home field.

The Huskies (20-12) have practiced in a park 20 minutes from the school all season because the campus field is no longer open due to a construction project. The seniors on the team trained on blacktop for their entire freshman year.

It doesn't seem real, said North Hollywood senior Cristian Calderon. It means everything. This is the definition of a Cinderella story.

Nick Park hit two triples in the game, the second of which gave the go-ahead run in the top of the eighth inning. He scored Diego Velazquez and Calderon brought in Park with a single for an insurance run.

Calderon also took the mound in the eighth inning when starting pitcher Max Koster surpassed 100 pitches. Calderon pitched an inning of relief and struck out Banning's Daniel Sanchez to win the championship game.

My teammates say every time I'm on the mound, they're super comfortable,” Calderon said. But every time I go up there, I'm shaking almost the whole time because I don't want to lose my mind for these guys. These are my brothers. I don't want to let them down, and I haven't yet.

North Hollywood went three, three down in the third and fourth sets before getting on the scoreboard in the fifth set against Banning (18-4), who was trying to win its first City title since 1961.

Richard Ruvalcaba grounded to get on base, then Diego Velazquez hit a single to deep left field to push him to a 1-0 advantage.

The pitcher (Banning) got into a rhythm,” North Hollywood coach Eder Tapia said. So I told my guys, you can't let them work that fast. You need to do some presentations and make them work a little more. Make them struggle and that’s what we did. We were able to put one on the board.

The Huskies could have stayed alive in that frame, but Banning right fielder Pedro Ibanez-Eddy reversed and leapt back over the first-base wall for the foul catch that ended the round.

Bannings' Phillip Melgoza reached first on an error in the bottom of the fifth and Angelo Duarte was walked immediately afterward. Chris Martinez scored Melgoza with a sacrifice bunt and Isaac Martinez initially appeared to drive in Duarte on a sacrifice fly, but the run was later called off when officials ruled the runner had left the base early.

Park hit his first triple of the game in the sixth inning, but was then grounded out at home. He more than made up for it when he went deep in the eighth frame.

I was just screaming, it was crazy,” Park said of his second triple. I'm so happy I was able to achieve success.

North Hollywood lost six of its first seven games of the season, but slowly turned its season around. In March, he won consecutive games in extra innings.

From the sidewalk to the park to Dodger Stadium, the Huskies have carved their name into City Section history.

It's been a difficult process, Tapia said. We don't have a baseball field. Every game, whether the team is home or away, is always on the road. But these kids bought into it. They never gave up.




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