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Photo Recap: Disney's 'The Lion King' 30th Anniversary Live-to-Film Concert at the Hollywood Bowl

Photo Recap: Disney's 'The Lion King' 30th Anniversary Live-to-Film Concert at the Hollywood Bowl


Last night, Laughing Place had the pleasure of attending Disney's The Lion King 30th Anniversary: ​​a live-to-film concert, and we're here to share all the excitement of this star-studded celebration!

Disney The Lion King 30th Anniversary: ​​A live-to-film concert held at the Hollywood Bowl was spectacular. Over the past 30 years, 1994 The Lion King inspired two sequels, two TV shows, an incredibly successful Broadway musical, the 2019 live-action remake, and the upcoming prequel Mufasa. The theatrical celebration featured a live orchestra, sets, dancers and incredible performances and appearances from Billy Eichner, Bradley Gibson, Ernie Sabella, Heather Headley, Jason Weaver, Jeremy Irons, Lebo M., Nathan Lane, North West and Jennifer Hudson .

For mega fans of The Lion Kingmerchandise commemorating the event was sold throughout the venue.

In preparation for the evening's show, Disney Concerts hosted a quick game of The Lion King a trivia game rewarding participating families with 30th anniversary blankets.

The Live-to-Film concert kicked off at 8 p.m., with an epic performance of “Circle of Life.” Dancers dressed in costumes from the Broadway show took over the islands of the Hollywood Bowl during the opening number. Lebo M., the original singer of the iconic song, joined the performance, as did Jennifer Hudson. It was an incredible way to start this two and a half hour event.

Between the larger-than-life performances, the orchestra and choir accompanied excerpts from the beloved animated classic. The Hollywood Bowl was covered in projection mapping, truly immersing the audience in Pride Rock.

Then, Jason Weaver, the original voice of young Simba, announced North West's Hollywood debut. The 10-year-old reality star showed off her vocal power with “I Just Can't Wait to be King.”

In the next wild performance, Academy Award, Emmy and Golden Globe winner Jeremy Irons performed his iconic villain anthem “Be Prepared” with a legion of hyena dancers.

In a very special performance, Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella, the original voice of Timon and Pumbaa, performed “Hakuna Matata” together for the very first time. Jason Weaver also joined them as Simba for the issue.

Closing out the first act of the event, Lebo M. returned to the stage to perform a song from the Broadway musical.

Opening of the second act, Billy Eichner, Timon in the 2019s The Lion King live remake, sang “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” with Nathan Lane. The actor encouraged the audience to sing along to this do-wop classic.

In an exclusive first look, Lebo M. returned to the stage to perform a never-before-seen song from Disney's upcoming live-action prequel. He's a fool. We were also treated to a rendition of “SPIRIT” by the incredibly talented choir.

Returning to the stage, Lebo M. performed “He Lives in You,” a powerful selection originally written by M. for the 1995 Lion King-inspired album, Rhythm of the Pride Lands. The song was later made into the Broadway production. It was a highlight of the evening.

Continuing the celebration of the Broadway production, Heather Headley, the original actress who was to play Nala in the stage adaptation, performed “Shadowland.” The performance was probably the most powerful of the evening. Following in Headley's footsteps, Bradley Gibson, who played Simba on Broadway from 2018 to 2020, performed another song exclusive to the stage production.

To close the evening, Jennifer Hudson returned for a magnificent rendition of “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” leading to a finale of dancers, confetti cannons, fireworks and a group salute for the incredible cast and the celebration team.

Disney The Lion King 30th Anniversary: ​​The Live-To-Film Concert event was a great time. In a must-see experience, Disney hosted the party at Pride Rock. A second performance of the concert event will take place this evening, May 25. You can check ticket availability at The Hollywood Bowl website. If you can't make it to tonight's show, don't worry. Disney Concerts filmed the entire event and a special will air on Disney+ at a later date. You can also check out future Disney concert events at the Hollywood Bowl onsite. Upcoming events page.

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