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General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor, 37, is shot and killed in robbery gone wrong in downtown Los Angeles

General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor, 37, is shot and killed in robbery gone wrong in downtown Los Angeles
General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor, 37, is shot and killed in robbery gone wrong in downtown Los Angeles


GENERAL HOSPITAL actor Johnny Wactor has died aged 37.

The actor, who appeared in nearly 200 episodes of the drama series, was shot and killed in Los Angeles on Saturday morning.

General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor was shot and killed in Los Angeles on Saturday morning.


General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor was shot and killed in Los Angeles on Saturday morning.Credit: Getty
The actor was shot dead by a group of three men who were fleeing after Johnny caught them acting suspiciously around his car.


The actor was shot dead by a group of three men who were fleeing after Johnny caught them acting suspiciously around his car.Credit: ABC/Getty
The beloved star was pronounced dead at hospital after paramedics arrived at the scene around 3am.


The beloved star was pronounced dead at hospital after paramedics arrived at the scene around 3am.Credit: Getty

Her mother, Scarlett, broke the news to TMZ.

She revealed that the incident happened after her son and his colleague left work at a rooftop bar early in the morning.

The two men were parked two blocks from the restaurant.

Johnny's brother Grant said he wasn't surprised he walked his co-worker to her car because that's what they were taught growing up.

Learn more about General Hospital

“We're Southern, born and raised, and we would never let a woman walk to her car alone,” Grant said.

Johnny saw noise around his car when he arrived, which he assumed meant it was being towed.

As he got closer to get more information, he noticed three men were playing with his car.

Although the actor did not attempt to confront or fight them, Johnny was shot by a masked man before the group took off, Scarlett said. ABC7.

Emergency services arrived at the scene around 3 a.m. and took Johnny to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

According to the outlet, the description matched a reported incident in which three suspects attempted to steal a catalytic converter.

Although no suspects have been named, Johnny's mother said she hoped they would be found soon.

He is survived by his mother and younger brothers Grant and Lance.

Cry for the star

On social media, fans of the General Hospital actor shared their condolences to his family.

“RIP #JohnnyWactor. This world is such a cruel place. :(,” one person wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

“How sad to learn of the death of Johnny Wactor so young and in such conditions! A star will shine brighter tonight. [star] Condolences to his family and all the actor's fans,” tweeted a second.

Robyn Bernard Dead at 64 – General Hospital Star Found in California Home After Years of Missing '80s Stars

“Another devastating blow to the #GH family. Rest in peace, Johnny Wactor. Our time with you was far too short,” said another.

“I'm beyond words about Johnny Wactor, a life that was taken for no reason. I hope whoever did this spends the rest of their life in prison,” someone else tweeted .


Johnny was born on August 31, 1986 in Charleston, South Carolina.

He notably played Brando Corbin in General Hospital, married to Sasha Corbin (Sofia Mattsson) in the series.

He played the role from 2020 to 2022, when his character was written from the ABC series.

Johnny began his career in 2007 playing various roles on the Lifetime show Army Wives.

He went on to appear on hit shows such as NCIS, Criminal Minds, Station 19, The OA and Westworld.

Johnny is survived by his mother, Scarlett, and his two younger brothers Lance and Grant.


Johnny is survived by his mother, Scarlett, and his two younger brothers Lance and Grant.Credit: Getty


Johnny's death comes just months after General Hospital lost another of its stars, Robyn Bernard.

Robyn was found dead in San Jacinto, California on March 12.

She was 64 years old.

One of the original actors, she played Terry Brock in the drama series for about six years in the 1980s.

According to a Riverside County coroner's report, she died at 4 a.m. in an open field behind a business.

Authorities responded to a death investigation call, during which Robyn was later identified through fingerprints.

Last year, General Hospital fans also mourned the loss of legendary actress Jacklyn Zeman, who died at the age of 70.

Jacklyn died on May 10, 2023 following her battle with cancer.

General Hospital producer Frank Valentini broke the news on X at the time.

Johnny became known for his role as Brando Corbin on General Hospital, married to Sasha Corbin (Sofia Mattsson)


Johnny became known for his role as Brando Corbin on General Hospital, married to Sasha Corbin (Sofia Mattsson)Credit: Getty
Johnny's passing comes after the ABC drama series lost another of its stars, Robyn Bernard, earlier this year.


Johnny's passing comes after the ABC drama series lost another of its stars, Robyn Bernard, earlier this year.Credit: Getty
GH fans also mourned the loss of Jacklyn Zeman last year, whose death was announced by the show's executive producer on X.


GH fans also mourned the loss of Jacklyn Zeman last year, whose death was announced by the show's executive producer on X.Credit: Getty




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