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What to know about street closures for WeHo Pride Weekend – NBC Los Angeles

What to know about street closures for WeHo Pride Weekend – NBC Los Angeles
What to know about street closures for WeHo Pride Weekend – NBC Los Angeles


What there is to know

  • Pride weekend events begin Friday evening with concerts featuring Kesha.
  • Street closures began Thursday in West Hollywood and will remain closed through the weekend.
  • The West Hollywood Pride Parade will take place on Sunday and will feature musician Cyndi Lauper.

One of the largest LGBTQ+ pride celebrations in the world will take place this weekend in West Hollywood.

WeHo Pride Weekend events kick off Friday evening with a sold-out concert headlined by Kesha.

Here's what you need to know about street closures, how to get there, major events and more.

West Hollywood kicked off its 2024 Pride festivities with a music event featuring Kesha and Adam Lambert. Robert Kovacik reports for NBC4 News on May 31, 2024.

Street Closures for WeHo Pride

San Vicente Boulevard was closed Thursday evening between Melrose Avenue and Santa Monica Boulevard, and will remain closed until 10 a.m. Monday.

The following streets will be closed Friday and Saturday.

  • Eastbound Santa Monica Boulevard will close from La Cienega Boulevard to Doheny Drive at noon Friday and continue until 7 a.m. Monday.
  • Robertson Boulevard will be closed from Santa Monica Boulevard to Melrose Avenue at noon Friday and until 7 a.m. Monday.
  • Westbound Santa Monica Boulevard will be closed between La Cienega and Doheny at 6 a.m. Saturday and until 7 a.m. Monday.
  • San Vicente Boulevard will close from Santa Monica Boulevard to Cynthia Street at 6 a.m. Saturday and until 7 a.m. Monday.
  • Santa Monica Boulevard will close from Fairfax Avenue to Doheny Drive, as well as all side streets within one block north and south of Santa Monica Boulevard, at 5 a.m. Sunday, and until 5 p.m. Sunday, for host the WeHo Pride Parade.

West Hollywood Park, where the festival's main stage will be located, has been closed since Monday and will remain closed until Wednesday. Parking structures and other park grounds will close Thursday evening and remain closed until 10 a.m. Monday.

Getting to WeHo Pride

The city will offer free Pride Ride shuttles from Friday afternoon to Sunday to accommodate festival-goers. Some shuttles will run between the festival and the B (Red) Line subway station at Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue during the weekend.

More details on shuttles and other modes of transportation are available available online.

Parking for WeHo Pride

Parking restrictions in the city will be lifted throughout the weekend, but parking meters will continue to be enforced. West Hollywood officials urged people planning to park on the streets to know the city limits, as neighboring Los Angeles and Beverly Hills will continue to enforce parking permit rules.

Limited public parking will be available at the Pacific Design Center, 8687 Melrose Ave.; Kings Road Parking Structure, 8383 Santa Monica Boulevard; and Hancock Parking Structure, 901 Hancock Ave.

Music and more at WeHo Pride

Starting at 6 p.m., “Friday Night at OUTLOUD” at West Hollywood Park will feature Adam Lambert, Mont X Change, Laganja Estranja & Morphine Love Dion, Nia Dioz, Jessica Betts, Owenn and Venessa Michaels.

The weekend begins with a sold-out concert headlined by Kesha.

The WeHo Pride Street Fair will open Saturday and Sunday at noon, featuring community group booths, exhibitors, live music and entertainment. The fair will be open until 8 p.m. both days, along Santa Monica Boulevard between Hancock and La Peer Drive.

Saturday's events will include the Women's Freedom Festival until 6 p.m. on the Celebration Stage, featuring emerging LGBTQ and BIPOC women, non-binary musicians, comedians, poets and activists. The annual levee walk will begin on Santa Monica Boulevard at 6 p.m. Saturday.

The annual WeHo Pride parade will begin Sunday at 12:30 p.m. on Santa Monica Boulevard, between Crescent Heights Boulevard and San Vicente. This year's parade will feature “Lifetime Ally Icon” Cyndi Lauper, as well as floats, bands, drill teams, dance teams and entertainment.

The Main Stage at West Hollywood Park will feature music throughout the weekend, starting at 1 p.m. each day. Janelle Mone will headline Saturday night. Other artists Saturday will include Noah Cyrus, Keke Palmer, Channel Tres and Doechii.

Kylie Minogue will headline Sunday, with other artists including Diplo and Friends, Ashnikko, Trixie Mattel, Big Freedia, Vincint, Destiny Rogers, Jimi the Kween and Zee Machine.




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