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Survivors of 'Mild' Hollywood Predator Unite on 'Dateline'

Survivors of 'Mild' Hollywood Predator Unite on 'Dateline'


(NBC News) On Fridays Dateline, an incredible story that aired nearly 20 years ago is taking on new life thanks to a group of women who banded together in honor of another young woman who was brutally murdered by the same man who had stalked them.

The show, titled The Girl with the Hibiscus Tattoo, will feature an exclusive interview with Alice Walker, a key witness speaking for the first time with “Dateline” about her disturbing encounter with Victor Paleologus. Keith Morrison has previously spoken out about Paleologus, a terrifying serial killer and predator who was gunned down by a group of plucky women after luring them with false promises of fame and fortune amid the glitz and glamor of Hollywood.

The episode also ties into the “Dateline” podcast, Murder in the Hollywood Hills, which debuted at number one on the podcast charts and has garnered nearly 3 million downloads since its premiere on March 26, 2024.

Here's a look at the Morrisons report:

Cathy DeBuono sat in the prison yard and watched him walk toward her. The man she believed to be an unrepentant killer. An incurable psychopath.

The man who had once tried to trap her. But Cathy was not going to be prey, she was going to become a hunter. And she brought together a sisterhood of female survivors of a smooth-talking Hollywood predator.

CATHY DEBUONO: We have experienced it. We know who he is.

CHRISTINE: I said, this guy has done this before. He'll do it again and he'll kill someone because he almost killed me.

VIRGINIE OBÉCHANI: She was strangled and she had a radiant skull fracture.

ALICE WALKER: It could and should have been me.

SUSAN MURPHY: I just knew. My heart broke.

CATHY DEBUONO: I certainly understood that this was his plan for me.

That's why Cathy DuBuono was there to talk to me.

CATHY DEBUONO: We come together and use our voices. It's powerful.

DAVID WALGREN: Without them, we probably would not have had any cases.

To hear the full story of how a group of strangers became a sisterhood determined to ensure a dangerous predator never strikes again, watch Dateline: The Girl with the Hibiscus Tattoo, Friday at 9 p.m. on NBC4.




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