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Summer box office woes: Hollywood optimistic, but movie theaters still empty

Summer box office woes: Hollywood optimistic, but movie theaters still empty


Hollywood is having a tough year. After a slower-than-usual spring, the film industry kicked off its blockbuster summer season by posting the lowest box office numbers for a Memorial Day weekend in more than two decades (excluding of 2020, when many cinemas were closed).

There are plenty of excuses for the six-month writers' and actors' strike delays, the lackluster star vehicles, the superhero fatigue, but as people in the industry sometimes say, if people really don't want to come , nothing can stop them.

People clearly did not want to come to Mad Max prequel Angry last weekend, which grossed a less-than-expected $32 million at the domestic box office. Nor to the family film IF the previous week. Audiences haven't flocked to much since Dune: part two And Godzilla x Kong in March.

As Tony Vinciquerra, CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, said on a call with investors this week: “People have lost the habit of going to the movies.

And once the habit is lost, each week that does not have resounding success, it is a little more difficult to restart attendance.

Due to last year's strikes, the first four months of 2024 were still expected to be slow, with fewer films in the pipeline, and producers waiting for kids to get out of school. Film industry projections predicted that by the end of the year, ticket sales down $1 billion from last year.

That seemed bad enough, but this year's numbers are already down $800 million compared to that 2023 date, and we haven't even reached July, the month last year's ticket sales were boosted by the two-movie cultural phenomenon known as Barbenheimer.

Even without the hot pink comedy overeating barbieand the biopic on the creator of the atomic bomb Oppenheimer, last summer would have been difficult to follow. There were new payments of Mission Impossible, Transformers, Spider-VerseAnd Indiana Jones.

On Sony's investor call this week, Vinciquerra hoped this summer's slate would bring audiences back, perhaps not quite to pre-pandemic levels, but substantially. So, what awaits us? GOOD, Despicable Me films regularly reach the billion-dollar mark worldwide, and there's no reason to think this summer's installment will be an exception.

Pixar has a decent history of bringing back audience favorites, so Inside Out 2 should do well. And with not one, but two superheroes, Marvels Deadpool and Wolverine This should be fine despite an R rating which prohibits teenagers under 17 without a parent.

There is also a tornado chase Twistsand a contested silence A quiet place: first day.

But you'll notice that each of these films is a fan service sequel, not something new or original that could reboot the story. habit the cinema. So what's available this summer to light new fires at the box office?

Everyone wants to bet on biker gang drama Bikers? The Scarlett Johansson/Channing Tatum romantic comedy Fly me to the moon? How about the family movie Harold and the Purple Pencil? No?

Summers therefore risk falling even further behind. Maybe much further. That's why some in the industry are talking about extending the season a week after Labor Day, so it can include Tim Burton's two-title sequel. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuicewhich has a chance of securing a $100 million opening.

The extension won't wash out, of course. Summer in the record books will officially end on Labor Day.

Meanwhile, the mantra theater owners repeat when they meet in 2024? : Survive up to 25 years.

Copyright 2024 NPR




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