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Ravi Patel is a Hollywood conman

Ravi Patel is a Hollywood conman
Ravi Patel is a Hollywood conman


EXCLUSIVE: Here is the first trailer for Kiss from the queen of trickstersthe first feature film based on the life of accused fraudster Hargobind Tahilramani, who was nicknamed “The Queen of Hollywood” after allegedly impersonating film executives in an elaborate and highly publicized fraud scheme.

The film stars Ravi Patel (Wonder Woman 1984, Animal Patrol). Directed by Tom Waller (The Cave), the pic is based on the true story of Irish writer-actor Eoin O'Brien and his experiences with Tahilramani. Also starring Eoin O'Brien and Patrick Bergin.

“When Eoin O'Brien sent me the script, I knew it would be my next film – it was truly a page-turner from start to finish, a real rollercoaster of emotions all the way through,” Waller said. “The fact that Eoin himself went through this ordeal makes it all the more compelling and proves that life really can be stranger than fiction.”

The Film Bangkok, Hawkins FilmWorks and De Warrenne Pictures production premiered last month at the Sunscreen Film Festival in St. Petersburg, Fla., where it won Best International Feature Film before playing at the International Film Festival. film Julien Dubuque in Iowa. The story of Hollywood Con Queen was recently featured in an AppleTV+ documentary series released earlier this month.

“The film is a statement for the survivors of this scam, for those who refused to let this sociopath victimize us. He’s not going to stop us from pursuing our dreams,” O’Brien said. “Writing the script was cathartic, but having it produced with me as the protagonist was poetic justice. I took what he falsely promised me. Four years later to the day, I was back in Indonesia to make a film about my experience. I had turned the nightmare into a dream come true.

Hargobind Tahilramani, the real-life 'crook queen of Hollywood', last appeared in a UK court in June 2023 when it was ruled the 43-year-old could be extradited to face charges in the States -United. Tahilramani is accused of defrauding more than $1 million from more than 300 victims, including actors and writers, during a multi-year scheme.

Authorities arrested Tahilramani in late November 2020 in Manchester, northern England. Since then, he has been held in a London prison. He is accused of impersonating several Hollywood figures, including producer Megan Ellison and director Amy Pascal, in phone calls, emails and text messages. Prosecutors say Tahilramani, originally from Indonesia, convinced U.S. industry professionals to travel to Indonesia at their own expense for nonexistent projects before charging them a series of fees and expenses, which were never incurred. been reimbursed.

Discover the full Kiss from the queen of tricksters trailer above.




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