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10 Bollywood Actors Who Can Sing!

10 Bollywood Actors Who Can Sing!


MirchiMirchi Updated: 13 hours ago
10 Bollywood Actors Who Can Sing!

From Shah Rukh Khan to Salman Khan, 10 Bollywood Actors Who Can Also Sing. Image courtesy of Pinterest and Instagram

Embark on a journey through the vibrant world of Bollywood, where the spotlight is not only reserved for acting talents but also extends to the realm of music. It's time to celebrate the remarkable versatility of Bollywood actors who possess the extraordinary ability to sing. Beyond their big screen prowess, these stars showcase their vocal prowess, mesmerizing audiences with their melodic performances.

Here are 10 Bollywood actors who can sing!

1. Aditya Roy Kapur

Aditya Roy Kapur is an Indian actor who works in Hindi films. After working as a VJ, he made his acting debut with the musical drama London Dreams. Many don't know this, but Adi is a huge guitar fan and when he sings, he leaves his fans mesmerized.

2. Shah Rukh Khan

Do you remember the song “Apun Bola Tu Meri Laila”? Yes, this song is sung by our very own King Khan. It's not just that. He was also one of the artists behind the mic for the song “Khaike Paan Banaraswala” from “Don”.

3. Salman Khan

Bhaijaan can do anything! From acting to dancing to bodybuilding to singing, he has it all. His voice worked like a charm for listeners and songs like “Hangover” and “Main Hoon Hero Tera” are proof of that.

4. Amitabh Bachchan

This name is not new in singing! Big B left our fans in awe of him when they heard him in songs like 'Hori Khele', 'Say Shava', 'Main Yaha Tu Vaha' and more. Amitabh Bachchan knows how to make his fans fall in love with him. him.

5. Neil Nitin Mukesh

Neil Nitin Mukesh Chand Mathur is an Indian actor, producer and screenwriter known for his work in Hindi films. He is the son of singer Nitin Mukesh and the grandson of singer Mukesh. Linked by blood to the legends, he has definitely inherited the singer's talent and his Instagram is full of it.

6. Ayushmann Khurrana

We call Ayushmann Khurrana a jack of all trades! He added all the feathers to his talent. Not only is he a renowned actor, dancer, and guitarist, but he is also an extremely talented singer. From “Pani Da Rang” to “Rataan Kaaliyan”, each of his songs is magical.

7. Farhan Akhtar

Farhan Akhtar is an Indian actor, filmmaker, writer, dialogue writer, singer and songwriter. We fell in love with his voice when he sang “Rock On!” » and there is no looking back.

8. Hrithik Roshan

Do you remember the song “Senorita” from “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara”? Hrithik not only did lip sync in this song but he actually sang this beautiful song.

9. Akshay Kumar

The much-loved Akshay Kumar surprised his fans by performing the song 'Mujh Mein Tu' from the film 'Special 26'. This song was a treat for his fans.

ten. Abhishek Bachchan

Indian actor Abhishek Bachchan also has a talent for singing and we have witnessed this talent in songs like 'Right Now Right Now (Come To Me) and 'Buddhi Do Bhagwaan'.

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