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The Fantastic Four's missteps worried him

The Fantastic Four's missteps worried him


It has not escaped Paul Walter Hauser that previous cinematic depictions of the Fantastic Four haven't exactly set the world on fire.

During a conversation with The Hollywood ReporterThe in-demand actor reveals that the poorly received film adaptations of the Marvel superhero team made him think more before joining director Matt Shakman's Disney film, which is set to hit theaters on July 25, 2025. Hauser, who recently won an Emmy for his role in Black birdwill play a previously undisclosed role in the project which stars Pedro Pascal (Mr. Fantastic), Vanessa Kirby (Invisible Woman), Joseph Quinn (Human Torch) and Ebon Moss-Bachrach (The Thing).

“Don’t think that wasn’t instrumental in deciding whether or not to take the job,” Hauser says of the property’s checkered Hollywood past. “This film is not completely made yet.”

He continues: “But I really think that the combination of the script, the department heads working on the film and this elegant cast of really exciting actors – some of them have been known for a long time, and others have a right now – [make me feel that] this movie is special and it was something I wanted to be a part of.

After an unreleased, low-budget version produced by Roger Corman in 1994, Fantastic Four hit the big screen with director Tim Story's 2005 film starring Chris Evans, Jessica Alba, Ioan Gruffudd and Michael Chiklis as the titular team. Although the film's box office success led to a sequel in 2007, the title was not a critical favorite and holds a 28 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The property was later rebooted for Josh Trank's 2015 film starring Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Bell. This version was less successful than the 2005 version, as it failed at the box office and only holds a 9 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating.

Hauser explains that he and Shakman (WandaVision) met for dinner to discuss which actor would join the team. “Matt Shakman directed me years ago in It's always sunny in Philadelphia“, says Hauser. “To come together and collaborate on this film in some capacity, it's really exciting. I'm excited to be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The actor spoke to THR ahead of his big fight against Major League Wrestling's Battle Riot VI on Saturday in Atlanta, where he will face 40 competitors for a chance to win the MLW world heavyweight title. Hauser, a longtime wrestling fan who first stepped into the ring at a charity event in November, hopes to find time in his busy schedule to balance future matches with acting gigs like next year's. Naked gun reboot and the upcoming Josh Gad-directed biopic of Saturday Night Live caption Chris Farley.

“Wrestling really suits me in that I love what I love, and I find ways to fit it into my schedule,” Hauser said. “Obviously I don't want to wrestle in front of 30 people in a gym, and I know a lot of people will hear that quote and say, 'You're not a real wrestler.' But there are only so many hours in a day and I'm a very busy guy. So something like MLW's Battle Riot is very exciting to me.




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