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The only actor Martin Sheen was a “long-time admirer” of

The only actor Martin Sheen was a “long-time admirer” of


At the head of the famous Hollywood family The Sheens is the man who started their legacy, Martin Sheen. A master actor and father of Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez, Sheen has established himself as a key figure in American cinema with a series of remarkable cinematic performances.

His first efforts in The subject was Roses And Badlands announced Sheen as a force to be reckoned with. It delivered on its initial promise many times over with other acclaimed efforts in areas such as Apocalypse now, Gandhi, Wall Street, Catch Me If You Can And The dead.

Even the greatest actors have their own personal heroes, and in this regard, Sheen is no different. In fact, he had the chance to work with another actor he had admired for many years, Marlon Brando, with whom Sheen shared Francis Ford Coppolas. Apocalypse now.

In an interview with Phillips, Sheen once spoke about his overall impression of the legendary actor. I've always been an admirer of Marlon Brando, Sheen began. His uniqueness and dazzling talent were a powerful source of inspiration for all serious actors of my generation, but he was much more than a cinema icon.

Indeed, Brando's legacy in Hollywood transcended the careers of most of his fellow performers. Among his greatest works are A tram named Desirein which he starred in both the stage and film versions, At the water's edge, The wild, The Godfather And Last Tango in Paris.

However, beyond Brando's brilliance in front of the camera and on stage, Sheen admired the actor's commitment to social causes. He explained: “For most of his adult life, he was a staunch advocate for social justice, often risking his career by publicly supporting Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement, as well as the rights of Native Americans and universal human rights.

Brando had inspired Sheen to take up activism himself, and the actor had always hoped to meet the man who was widely considered one of the greatest actors of all time. Better yet, Sheen actually worked with him on Coppola's iconic Vietnam War drama, in which he played an Army captain in Vietnam sent in search of a renegade colonel played by Brando.

Referring to the adventure that changed the life of Apocalypse now and his first impressions of Brando, Sheen noted, Marlon was every bit the powerful image projected for decades, but the simple reality of his presence and common humanity was completely disarming.

Brando had often played his roles with the utmost seriousness and was known for being one of the first actors to incorporate method acting into his performances. However, according to Sheen, that didn't stop Brando from being gracious on set. The actor explained: “His genuine kindness and compassion, coupled with his infectious sense of humor, were commonplace among everyone he encountered during his all-too-brief time working on the film.

They say it's not a good idea to meet your heroes, but Martin Sheen went one better and worked alongside his own people. Both actors' gripping performances helped make one of the greatest war films ever made, and for Sheen, one of his dreams came true in being able to meet Brando, not to mention share a scene with him .

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