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Hundreds gather at CodePink for Rafah rally in Plummer Park

Hundreds gather at CodePink for Rafah rally in Plummer Park
Hundreds gather at CodePink for Rafah rally in Plummer Park


More than 300 protesters gathered Saturday morning at Plummer Park to demonstration against Israeli military actions targeting Hamas. The Rise Up For Rafah rally took place on the Main Lawn on Vista Street, next to Fiesta Hall in Plummer Park, as the city of West Hollywood celebrated WeHo Pride in the LGBT Rainbow neighborhood on the West Side.

The event was organized by Coderosean activist group established in 2002 that initially began as a grassroots effort to prevent the U.S. war in Iraq, according to its website.

Pro-Palestinian protest in West Hollywood – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES
Pro-Palestinian protest in West Hollywood – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES

“We are gathered here today to tell the US government to leave Rafah alone,” protester Remo said. “We saw Biden lie to the public about the existence of a red line regarding the invasion of Rafah, which is currently sheltering more than a million civilians under siege by Israel for eight straight months. Biden made it very clear that there was a red line and that he would not allow arms shipments to continue entering Israel if they invaded Rafah. Well, Israel invaded Rafah and guess what happened? Biden has backed down on his red line. He continued to give them guns using our taxpayer dollars, and we think that's unacceptable. »

Protester Remo – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES

The rally turned into a march after several speeches and photo opportunities. The crowd marched toward Vista but headed east toward Hollywood and Highland rather than west toward the WeHo Pride celebrations.

Protester Remo – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES
Protester Remo – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES
Protester Remo – Photo by Mike Pingel for WEHO TIMES

Codepink describes itself as a grassroots feminist organization working to end American war and imperialism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect resources to health care, education, green jobs and other life promotion programs. They believe that universal health care should include the right to abortion, that access to education should not be determined by income bracket, and that housing is a human right.

Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, Diane Wilson, Starhawk and about 100 other women started Codepink on November 17, 2002. They held a four-month vigil outside the White House during the cold of winter to protest. the war led by the United States against Iraq.

The vigil inspired people from all walks of life and across the country to stand up for peace. Many organizations have joined them, including Global Exchange, Greenpeace, WILPF, WAND, Public Citizen, NOW, Women for Women International, and Neighbors for Peace and Justice. The vigil culminated on March 8, International Women's Day, when it celebrated women as global peacemakers with a week of activities, rallies and a march to encircle the White House in pink.




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