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Colonial Williamsburg announces June 17 lineup

Colonial Williamsburg announces June 17 lineup
Colonial Williamsburg announces June 17 lineup


(Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)

WILLIAMSBURG The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation announced its line of Juneteenth programming featuring renowned poets, storytellers and artisans who will “illuminate the importance of this national holiday.”

The events will take place June 16-19 at various locations throughout the Colonial Williamsburgs Historic Area and Art Museums.

According to the foundation, at the heart of the lineup are three artists Nikki Giovanni, Darryl Reeves and Sheila Arnold, each bringing “a unique perspective and talent to captivate audiences and deepen their understanding of Juneteenth.”

“We are honored to welcome such esteemed artists who will provide visitors with a rich and immersive Juneteenth experience,” said Cliff Fleet, President and CEO of the Foundation. “This programming not only commemorates an important moment in American history, but also celebrates the resilience and triumph of the human spirit. »

Nikki Giovanni (Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)

Nikki Giovanni, world-renowned poet, activist and educator, will deliver the keynote address at June 17 Sunrise Service on Sunday, June 16 at 6 a.m. under the iconic Compton Oak in the center of the historic district. Known for her powerful words and unwavering commitment to social justice, Giovanni's presence will inspire and empower attendees as they reflect on the importance of Juneteenth, the foundation said.

Master blacksmith Darryl Reeves, whom the foundation considers the most famous architectural blacksmith in the Gulf South, will return to the public armory June 18 and 19 to demonstrate the traditions of New Orleans' African-American ironworkers of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Ken Schwarz, Darryl Reeves, Karina Roca. (Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)

Reeves and his apprentice, Karina Roca, will work with colonial Williamsburg master blacksmith Ken Schwarz to replicate a wrought iron tombstone forged by Louisiana slave blacksmith Solomon Williams.

Williams made several iron headstones for his family members in the 19th century, one of which ison display at the Smithsonian Museum of African American History.

And on June 17 at 1 p.m. at the Colonial Williamsburg Art Museums' Hennage Auditorium, Reeves and Roca will join Jonn Hankins, head of the New Orleans Master Crafts Guild, for a round tableon the challenges and opportunities in the field of historic preservation and the restoration professions.

Sheila Arnold, award-winning storyteller and historical interpreter, will lead engaging storytelling and discussion sessions including Representing the ancestorsJune 18 andPermission to be Free: A Nineteenth-Century Story on June 19, both of which will take place at 1 p.m. at the Auditorium Hennage.

Sheila Arnold (Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)

Through her understanding of the complexity of the depiction of enslaved women in historical narratives and her captivating performances, Arnold invites audiences to explore the intersection of art and history, the foundation said.

In addition to these featured artists, Colonial Williamsburg's Juneteenth programming will include a variety of interactive workshops, exhibits and community gatherings. From educational seminars to live performances, there will be something for everyone to enjoy and learn, according to the foundation.

Colonial Williamsburgs programming will coincide with other Juneteenth activities in the region coordinated by the Juneteenth Community Consortium, an association of Greater Williamsburg organizations founded in early 2022 with the goal of educating, commemorating and celebrating June tenth.

Visit a complete list of programming taking place across the region June 15-19.

History of Juneteenth

Juneteenth marks the anniversary of June 19, 1865, when thousands of slaves received news of their emancipation after Union forces arrived in Galveston, Texas, to issue the President's Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln signed more than two years earlier.

On June 17, 2021, PresidentJoe Biden signed a law making Juneteenth a federal holiday.

As Juneteenth continues to gain recognition across the country, Colonial Williamsburg said it invites visitors “to commemorate those lost to slavery, examine the struggle faced by Black Americans today and to continue our unfinished work to create a more perfect union.”




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