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Bridgerton Actress Jessica Madsen Opens Up About Being Queer During Pride Month: I'm In Love With A Woman | Web series

Bridgerton Actress Jessica Madsen Opens Up About Being Queer During Pride Month: I'm In Love With A Woman |  Web series
Bridgerton Actress Jessica Madsen Opens Up About Being Queer During Pride Month: I'm In Love With A Woman |  Web series


Actress Jessica Madsen, known for her role in the web show Bridgerton, is marking the start of Pride Month in a special way. The actor took to Instagram to dedicate a post to the LGBTQ community, revealing that she was in love with a woman. (Also read: LGBTQ Pride Month begins to show its colors across the world. What you need to know)

Jessica Madsen plays Cressida Cowper in Bridgerton.
Jessica Madsen plays Cressida Cowper in Bridgerton.

Embrace your identity

On Saturday, Jessica took to Instagram to share a heartfelt post. She shared several photographs, including artwork to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and a photo of a march that followed the Stonewall riots.

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The actor also posted a simple selfie, in which she poses for the camera in close-up. She wears a colorful tie-dye T-shirt, rainbow rhinestones on her face and a bucket hat that reads: “Love Supreme.

In love with a woman, loud and proud of it, she captioned the images, with a rainbow emoji. She used #pride, #pridemonth, #loveislove and #gaypride with the message.

Gets support from his co-stars

The actor's post received a lot of love and well wishes from his Insta family, including his Bridgerton family.

Actor Nicola Coughlan, who plays Penelope Featherington, simply shared several heart emojis, while Jonathan Bailey, who plays Anthony Bridgerton, shared heart and raised hands emoji.

Actress Hannah Dodd, who plays Francesca Bridgerton in the series, also sent her support, writing: “I love youuuuuu” with a yellow heart emoji.

Actress Joanna Bobin, who plays Lady Cowper, also shared “Come on, baby girl! I love you. The author of the original Bridgerton book series, Julia Quinn, commented with a collection of emojis rainbow heart.

Learn more about his identity

In the past, Jessica has been open about her sexuality. In June 2023, she revealed her identity in a similar Instagram post, sharing graphics about bisexuality. The message read: Bisexuals are not “confused” and “bi af. In the caption, she wrote: “Bi the way. Happy Pride Month.”

About his role in Bridgerton

The 32-year-old plays Cressida Cowper in the popular Netflix series. Last month, she spoke about hatred towards her character.

“I mean, people are not his biggest fans,” she said. People Cressida magazine, adding that she gets “interesting comments and interesting DMs” that say, “Thanks for letting me hate you so much” or “I love hating you so much.”

She added: “It makes me feel like I did my job well. I really don't take these things personally. But I like it when the people I meet have enjoyed the show. Yeah. It’s always adorable.”




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