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Steven Yeun Redefines Roles for Asian American Actors

Steven Yeun Redefines Roles for Asian American Actors


Steven Yeun is something we haven't seen in a long time, a new type of leader.

The Korean American actor only had a small handful of credits when he scored his breakthrough role on The Walking Dead in 2010; he quickly became a fan favorite on one of the biggest shows on television. His Glenn Rhee went from a fast, leprechaun-like good guy to a leader of the survivor group, a respected zombie-slaying warrior, and a sex symbol in an interracial relationship. This kind of versatility has marked his career and is decidedly unusual compared to the traditional deployment of actors of Asian descent in Hollywood.

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Since leaving the show, Yeun, 40, has put together the most impressive resume of his alumni. He earned Academy Award and Screen Actors Guild nominations for best actor for his heartfelt portrayal of the dreamy, struggling immigrant father in Minari, a turn reminiscent of Grard Depardieus in Jean de Florette. After a sharp change of gears, he reaped awards, including a Critics Choice, a SAG and an Emmy, as a morally stained loser with anger issues in Beef. It won a Los Angeles Film Critics Assn. reward for the role of the enigmatic and cool guy in the famous Burning; and played an accidental action hero in Mayhem, a former child actor excitedly hoping to commune with aliens in Nope, and an emerging superhero learning brutal lessons in the animated film. Invincible (98% positive on Rotten Tomatoes).

Bold and important filmmakers want to work with him: Lee Chang-dong, Jordan Peele, Boots Riley (Sorry to Bother You), Bong Joon Ho (twice; in Okja and the upcoming Mickey 17). Next, he presents a post-apocalyptic sci-fi romance alongside Kristen Stewart (Love Me, which competed at Sundance). He was set to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ostensibly as Sentry, one of the most powerful antiheroes in all of Marvel, in Thunderbolts, but withdrew via email. Instead, he's confirmed to reunite with Minari writer-director Lee Isaac Chung for which screenwriter Eric Roth called a little love story, directed by Bong.

Steven Yeun

It is therefore in high demand. What makes him a new type of leader? Name another Asian American actor to get that kind of variety, that kind of success in the United States. Yeun is relegated to neither the roles of nerd, nor mysterious villain, nor kung fu master. Its characters have relatable struggles, wild dreams, and a whole rainbow of emotions. It’s a sign of changing times, of course, and doors knocked down by the streaming era. Today, Henry Golding leads romantic comedies and Riverdale star Charles Melton is acclaimed for May-December.

But Yeun does all that and more. It demonstrates a range of Asian American actors who have never had the opportunity to perform in film and television before. Whether his success as a leading man can pave the way for others remains to be seen, but his trajectory only indicates.




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