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From Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh to Saif Ali Khan-Kareena Kapoor: 8 Bollywood couples who fell in love on the sets | Bollywood

From Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh to Saif Ali Khan-Kareena Kapoor: 8 Bollywood couples who fell in love on the sets |  Bollywood


Over the years, Bollywood has become famous for its iconic love stories. However, sometimes some of these on-screen love stories go off-screen and turn into real-life romances, whether it's Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh or Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan . (Also Read: Deepika-Ranbir, Aishwarya-Abhishek, John-Bipasha: 10 Unforgettable Magazine Covers Featuring Bollywood Exes and Couples)

Bollywood couples have often seen their on-screen romances translate into real life as well.
Bollywood couples have often seen their on-screen romances translate into real life as well.

We take a look at some of the love stories of couples whose romances blossomed while working together on a film set.

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Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt

While Alia publicly declared her long-time crush on Ranbir in 2013 in an episode of Koffee with Karan, it was on the set of Ayan Mukerji's fantasy drama Brahmastra that she grew closer to Ranbir. Their love story began when they were working on the film together. Rumors surrounding their romance began in 2017, but they kept it a secret until their wedding in April 2022. They welcomed their daughter Raha in November 2022.

Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh

It was the set of Sanjay Leela Bhansalis' 2013 drama Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela where cupid struck the couple. Although they first met on the sets of the film Bombay Talkies, they bonded while working on Ramleela. They have featured in films such as Padmaavat and Bajirao Mastani. Ranveer and Deepika kept their relationship under wraps and got married in Lake Como in 2018 and are now expecting their first baby together.

Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani

It is believed that Sidharth and Kiara started dating soon after they started working together on Shershaah. It was in a season 7 episode of Koffee with Karan that Kiara hinted at her relationship with Sidharth, saying that they were more than close friends. They got married in February 2023.

Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan

Even though they shared screen space in LOC: Kargil in 2003 and Omkara in 2006, Saif and Kareena found a way to get closer while working on the set of Tashan. At that time, Kareena was trying to end her five-year relationship with Shahid Kapoor. Their story turned out to be a royal romance. They made their relationship public in 2008. They got married in October 2012. They have two boys together, Taimur and Jeh.

Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha

They first met while working on the 2012 hit comedy Fukrey, and the rest is history. Ali and Richa became good friends long before they started dating. They struck up a relationship in 2015 and made it official in 2017 when they attended the premiere of Victoria & Abdul at the Venice Film Festival. They got married in 2020 and are now expecting their first baby.

Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia Dsouza

Their love story is the most special. The shooting of their debut film, Tujhe Meri Kasam, was where sparks flew and paved the way for a lifelong bond. They became best friends during filming and soon began seeing each other. After dating for years, they got married in 2012. They share two sons together.

Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna

The actors first met at a magazine photoshoot, but cupid struck on the sets of International Khiladi, released in 1999. The film marked their first appearance together on the big screen. They married in 2001 in an intimate ceremony at the home of designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla. They share son Aarav and daughter Nitara together.

Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu

They have worked together in films such as Dhoondte Reh Jaaoge, 99 and Go Goa Gone. It is believed that Soha and Kunal fell in love with each other on the sets of Dhoondte Reh Jaaoge. In 2014, the duo got engaged in Paris and eventually married in 2015. They share a daughter together.




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