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'Felicity' actor dies at 67

'Felicity' actor dies at 67
'Felicity' actor dies at 67


Actor Erich Anderson, best known for his role in “Felicity,” has died. He was 67 years old.

According to his obituaryhe died of cancer on May 31.

His wife, actress Saxon Trainor, shared the news via Instagram this weekend.

Erich Anderson at the 2016 Chiller Theater Expo in Parsippany, New Jersey. WireImage

“My husband Erich passed away this morning,” Trainor, 60, wrote. “I share the words of my brother-in-law Michael O'Malley because I am too helpless now to write anything.”

O'Malley's statement revealed that Anderson died after a “brutal” battle with cancer.

Erich Anderson with his wife Saxon Trainor. Saxon Coach/Facebook
Erich Anderson and Saxon Trainor.

“He had a long, successful career as an actor, he was in that old show 30 Something; he was Felicity's father on Felicity; he was killed in a basement in a Friday the 13th movie: he was in Star Trek and dozens of other shows,” O’Malley continued.

“He was a smart, funny guy, a fantastic cook; he has written three great novels which you can find on Amazon. I will miss him but his ordeal is over.

Erich Anderson died on May 31, 2024. Saxon Coach/Instagram

Anderson played Keri Russell's TV father, Dr. Edward Porter, on “Felicity.”

Eve Gordon, who played Felicity's mother, Barbara Porter, tribute paid to Anderson after learning of his death.

Erich Anderson, Eve Gordon and Keri Russell in 'Felicity'. Touchstone Television/courtesy Everett Collection

“My beautiful friend, Erich Anderson, said goodbye to me,” Gordon, 63, wrote on Instagram. “It was a beautiful part of the world. I liked it. I wish you knew him, there was no one like him.

She continued: “So funny, so open to whatever the day brought, so wickedly cynical and joyful at the same time. After JJ [Abrams] and Matt [Reeves] on Felicity Got Us Divorced, I saw him less on set, but I was always happy when we got together in LA and hung out and talked for hours. He was so smart.

“Ah, look at this Erich, I’m using the past tense,” Gordon added. “My friend, I hope to see you again in dreams and in other dimensions. Fly high, my friend.

Erich Anderson and Keri Russell in “Felicity.” Touchstone Television/courtesy Everett Collection

Anderson appeared in nine episodes of “Felicity” from 1998 to 2002.

The drama series followed Russell's main character as a student at New York University. Scott Speedman, Greg Grunberg, Amy Jo Johnson, Tangi Miller, Scott Foley, Amanda Foreman and Ian Gomez also performed.

Beyond “Felicity,” Anderson had a long acting career that included television roles on “Dallas,” “Melrose Place,” “Thirtysomething,” “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” “7th Heaven.” », “NYPD Blue”, “The Mentalist” and “Bosch”.

Erich Anderson with Polly Draper in “Thirtysomething.” General Disney entertainment content via Getty Images

In the cinema, he was best known for the fourth film “Friday the 13th”. He also starred in the war film “Bat*21” and the Richard Feynman biopic “Infinity.”

The official “Friday the 13th” X account tribute paid to Anderson after his death.

Erich Anderson in “Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter”. Paramount Pictures

“RIP Erich Anderson. Rob Dier, Friday The 13th IV,” the tweet read, alongside photos of Anderson from the 1984 film.

Anderson is survived by his wife. They had been married since 2003.




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