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Jon Stewart returns to 'Daily Show' after Donald Trump's conviction

Jon Stewart returns to 'Daily Show' after Donald Trump's conviction
Jon Stewart returns to 'Daily Show' after Donald Trump's conviction


Jon Stewart had a lot to say on Monday's episode of The daily show That's not surprising, since it was his first time in office since former President Donald Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records last week.

But much of his monologue focused on media covering the high-profile trial, which Stewart mocked for repeatedly saying how sad the news was for the country.

“Perhaps nothing embodied the delicate thread between joy and gravity more than the encore of President Biden's press conference at the Cheshire Cat,” Stewart said, as the camera cut to a clip of Biden leaving the podium at the White House. He started to leave the room. When he heard someone ask: “Mr. President, can you tell us, sir, that Donald Trump is presenting himself as a political prisoner and blaming you directly. What is your response?” And he turned slowly, smiled widely, turned again and walked slowly out.

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“Why,” Stewart asked, “does everything have to be so weird? Why? If you have something to say about it, say it. If you don't have anything to say about it, don't Don't say it. But you're just going to stop and hit them with some kind of 70s sitcom freeze frame.”

He played clips of Republicans saying the trial was, as Sen. Ted Cruz called it, “a work of political smear.”

“The trial was a sham!” » Stewart said sarcastically. “Yes, we convened grand juries, submitted evidence, and cross-examined witnesses. But how were Donald Trump or his family not allowed on the jury? Outrageous!”

Jon Stewart delivers his monologue on “The Daily Show” on June 3.

Matt Wilson/Comedy Central, The Daily Show

Stewart, the original host of the long-running satirical news series, returned to host Monday nights leading up to the November presidential election and will also serve as executive producer on every episode throughout the election cycle and beyond.

He's already found much to be desired about the media's coverage of Trump, which he repeats here, criticizing the show Fox and friends for an interview segment, in which the former president claimed, “I didn't say, 'Lock her up.' » The hosts of the interview did not dispute this. Stewart then played clips of Trump saying, “Lock her up.”

“And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I present to you, why we need courts,” Stewart said. “Whatever the flaws of the American justice system, and they are legion, especially for non-billionaire former presidents, it seems to be the last place in America where you can't say what you want, whatever the reality.”

Stewart added: “The Court should be the option of last resort for our defined reality, not the only option for our defined reality.




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