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'Suits' Star Wendell Pierce Claims He Was Denied Housing in Harlem for Racial Reasons: 'Vile and Despicable'

'Suits' Star Wendell Pierce Claims He Was Denied Housing in Harlem for Racial Reasons: 'Vile and Despicable'
'Suits' Star Wendell Pierce Claims He Was Denied Housing in Harlem for Racial Reasons: 'Vile and Despicable'


Hollywood actor Wendell Pierce claims his family member's application to rent an apartment in Harlem was rejected because of his race, even though he was the guarantor.

The 'Suits' star, who played Rachel Zane's father, Meghan Markle's character Robert, on the hit courtroom series, said his loved one was denied housing even after Pierce showed proof of his steady income from a handful of notable acting jobs.

Hollywood actor Wendell Pierce said his application for an apartment in Harlem was denied simply because of his race. Getty Images for the Legal Defense Fund

“For those of you who do not understand my righteous anger; I am on 2 TV series, ELSBETH and RAISING KANAN. I'm filming SUPERMAN. Two years ago, I finished the fourth season of JACK RYAN. Last year I finished a Broadway run in DEATH OF A SALESMAN, it written the Monday.

“Racism fanatics are real. There are those who will do anything to destroy the life course of black people,” Wendell Pierce wrote in part. Wendell Pierce / X

Even with my proof of employment, bank statements, and real estate, a white apartment owner REFUSED my request to rent the apartment… in Harlem, of all places.

Racism and bigots are real. There are those who will do anything to destroy the life course of black people. When you deny our personal experiences, you are just as vile and despicable,” Pierce, 60, added.

The next day, “The Wire” star share a link has a Wall Street Journal article about the U.S. federal appeals court's ruling against allowing a Black-owned venture capital firm to make grants exclusively to Black women entrepreneurs.

“While I appreciate the response to my own personal experience with housing discrimination, I only mentioned it as an example of the insidious nature of bigotry,” he said. written the Tuesday. “This court decision is profoundly more worrying and damaging. CALL TO ACTION.

Pierce, 60, said he was denied housing in Harlem despite a steady income from a handful of notable showbiz jobs. Christopher Boswell –
The “Suits” star played Meghan Markle's character, Rachel Zane's father, Robert, on the hit legal series. USA Networks/courtesy Everett Collectio / Everett Collection

In another post, the actor gave his thoughts on the decision: “The law was put in place to protect former slaves from discrimination. »

“Edward Blum, an opponent of affirmative action, argued that the text meant that race could not be considered at all in contractual relations. Private financing blocked by the courts. NOT THE TAX DOLLARS,” Pierce added.

He continued: “Private investment in black businesses is blocked by laws in place to prevent discrimination against black businesses. Racist irony. The racist, bigoted, fascist Americans who burned down Black Wall Street in Tulsa 100 years ago are still alive and well.

Pierce plays Captain Wagner in “Elsbeth.” P.A.

“Efforts to prevent Black people from participating in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are abhorrent. A private commercial agreement blocked by the courts. What happened to less government intervention in our lives?

On Tuesday, Pierce appeared on CNN to double down on racism allegations after the ordeal.

“I wanted to tell a personal story,” the actor told news anchor Abby Phillip. “A young family member who graduated from Harvard University has his first job in New York and I'm taking him apartment shopping, and I wanted to make sure he had a decent apartment, and I supported him .”

After finding an apartment in Harlem, Pierce said, he “gave them all my bank statements” along with proof of employment before ultimately being denied access.

“And I realized that they were using the technicality to say that I didn’t have a stable, consistent job,” he explained. “Most actors work in three-month shifts.”

“And because it wasn't a continuum of employment, whatever income I was showing – I showed them I owned properties all over the country, I even offered to pay a year in advance on the entire rent – ​​and I was turned down,” he shared, adding that “it was intentional.”

Pierce as lawyer Robert Zane in “Suits.” Ian Watson/USA Network

“The app was designed this way to be discriminatory,” he said, adding that black people “are under attack.”

Pierce is best known for his roles on “Suits” and HBO’s “The Wire” as Detective Bunk Moreland.

He is set to play the role of Perry White in James Gunn's new DC Universe, “Superman,” next year.




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