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GN Bride: Comfort reigns in my wardrobe, says Bollywood star Rakul Preet Singh

GN Bride: Comfort reigns in my wardrobe, says Bollywood star Rakul Preet Singh


“Comfort is key on your wedding day. I wanted to have fun without feeling uncomfortable, so I wore sneakers with my lehenga, says Bollywood star Rakul Preet Singh, who was recently in town for being the star of designer Archana Kochhars' show at International Fashion Week Dubai.

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On the sidelines of the show, Rakul reflected on her signature blend of style and ease and said it was this philosophy that was at the heart of her dream wedding to actor and producer Jackky Bhagnani on February 21 this year, a day that perfectly married tradition. with a modern twist in the picturesque setting of Goa, India.


For the haldi ceremony, Rakul wore a bohemian lehenga by Papa Dont Preach
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The couples' nuptials spanned two magnificent days, carefully designed to honor both Sikh traditions and Sindhi customs.

Celebrity designer Tarun Tahiliani's sartorial genius was on full display, ensuring the couple looked every bit the royalty they felt. If one of Rakul's sartorial choices for her big day was a breathtaking peach-pink lehenga adorned with dazzling diamonds, Jackky, in perfect harmony, donned an ivory chikankari sherwani intricately adorned with the chinar pattern.

Despite the grandeur, Rakul's personal style clearly shines through. Known for her relaxed and comfortable approach to fashion when it comes to her off-screen life, she noted: My personal style is very basic and comfort-oriented. I'm a shorts and t-shirt kind of girl. True to her words, she welcomed her wedding day with the same philosophy, pairing a luxurious traditional outfit with her stylish sneakers.


Designed by Arpita Mehta, the Rakuls mehendi lehenga was adorned with intricate Phulkari and mirror embroidery.
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While the couple's wedding outfit sparked thrills at the small, very personal gathering that included the duo's close family and friends, it was perhaps the special gift Jackky gave to Rakul that made the crowd blush. bride of joy: a sincere song entitled Bin Tere, written, composed, and sung by the actor-producer himself.

The star-studded yet intimate celebration was attended by several Bollywood stars, including Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff, Shilpa Shetty, Arjun Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and Esha Deol.

Rakul, who made her big screen debut with the Kannada film Gilli, in 2009, also made her mark in Bollywood with Yaariyan in 2013. Best known for films like De De Pyaar De, Chhatriwali, Cuttputlli and Runway 34, she is also an extremely popular star of South Indian cinema.


Rakul, seen with co-star Ajay Devgn in the hit Hindi film, Runway 34. Rakul's body of work includes films in Hindi as well as other South Indian languages.
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Jackky Bhagnani has acted in films like FALTU and Mitron, and produced films like Bell Bottom, Mission Raniganj and Ganapath.

The couple made their relationship instantly official in 2021.

Excerpts from an interview with Rakul:


Rakul and Jackky were best friends before gradually falling in love

Tell us about your love story with Jackky. When did you realize he was made for you? How, when and where did he propose to you?

Rakoul: Well, it was very organic for us. I think we became best friends before anything else and it was a very gradual process of falling in love. I don't really know the exact time or when [love] It happened but I guess you know that [when it happens]. There is never a particular moment. Just know that he is your best friend, your accomplice. We felt a kind of comfort where we could just be ourselves. And I think that's when we realized that that was it. He proposed to me much later. In fact, I forced a proposal on him; This happened on our bachelorette trip.


Rakul wore custom-made sneakers for all her engagement ceremonies. “I can’t sacrifice comfort,” she says
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Q: What were the main factors you kept in mind when deciding on the look for each of your wedding receptions?

Rakoul: The most important factor for me was comfort. I wanted my wedding look to reflect my personality – that's why I wore sneakers with all my lehengas and dresses. I wanted to have fun at my wedding without feeling uncomfortable or irritated. I was aiming for a light, hassle-free, enjoyable experience. A girl having fun on her wedding day.


Rakul and Jackky at an official function earlier this year. Rakul found it essential that she and Jackyy complemented each other in their choice of attire for all the events that were part of their wedding celebration.
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Q: How important was it for the two of you to complement each other during all the wedding ceremonies?

Rakoul: It was very important. We had the same stylist to make sure everything was in sync because the aesthetic of the wedding photos mattered a lot. We were attentive to the decoration, to our outfits. We even sent wardrobe plans to our guests well in advance. We wanted everything to be magical.

Q: Tell us about the inspiration behind your refreshing and unique bridal lehenga. What inspired you to choose the pastel color palette and unique appliques, embroidery and embellishments?

Rakoul: I have always been a fan of pastels. When I think of a lehenga, ethereal comes to mind, and

I think nothing looks more ethereal than blush tones. I explored many designers' works and found an article on Tarun. [Tahiliani]s page that I loved. I contacted him and he was more than happy to create something for us. And I'm so happy he came on board. He went out of his way to create the embellishments, flowers and embroidery to suit our brief. He made us the perfect outfit and we loved it.

Q: How involved were you in creating your outfit?

Rakoul: I was very involved. I flew to Delhi for a meeting with Tarun, briefed him and selected photos from the internet. I closely followed the process every step of the way, as it took several weeks or months to prepare. It's your wedding day outfit, so you want to love it. So yes, I was very involved, as were the teams.

Q: What were the challenges you and the designer faced while creating this masterpiece?

Rakoul: I have not encountered any challenges personally. Our trip went well because we were all on the same page. Whether it was Jacky, me or Tarun, we worked together seamlessly. Other designers like Falguni and Shane [Peacock] for sangeet and Arpita [Mehta] because the mehendi did a beautiful job; just like Papa Dont Preach for Haldi; while Kunal Rawal designed Jackky's outfit for Mehendi. Each designer made a personal effort, which made everything beautiful and sincere.

Q: To look their best on their big day, brides work hard in terms of diet, exercise, hair and skin care. Please share your diet before your wedding.

Rakoul: Well, brides can work hard, but as an actor, I think it's a daily routine – a balanced diet and exercise routine, as well as hair and skin care, because you are always in front of the camera. So I think there was nothing different for me. It felt like I was just being my best self, which is what I try to be every day.


Rakuls' Vacation Wardrobe Includes Flowy, No-Fuss Dresses
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Q: What is your personal sense of style?

Rakoul: My personal style is very basic and comfort oriented. I prefer loose jeans, shorts and t-shirts. I'm a shorts and t-shirt kind of girl, and I don't like to dress up too much when I'm not filming. You will always see me in easy and comfortable clothes. I guess it comes from being so dressed up all the time that you just want to be in your elements. I love pastel shades and pinks, but my outfits are always light.

Q: If we were to raid your wardrobe, what are the must-haves we would always find?

Rakoul: You will always find well-fitting jeans in different bootcut, baggy and slim styles. You'll also find cute, crisp white shirts and a classic black dress.




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