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Miguel Prez, actor of Ludoviquito, will be advisor to Metepec El Financiero

Miguel Prez, actor of Ludoviquito, will be advisor to Metepec El Financiero
Miguel Prez, actor of Ludoviquito, will be advisor to Metepec El Financiero


As of January 1, 2025, actor and comedian Jos Miguel Pérez Saint Martin, 30, known for his role as Ludoviquito Peluche alongside Eugenio Derbez, will be municipal councilor of the Mexican municipality of Metepec.

Via your account Instagramshared photos with Fernando Flores, fired mayor and candidate elected mayor of Metepec by the PAN and PRI parties.

The actor has already received his certificate of Fifth Regidor, thus being part of the government of this important tourist and industrial city, bordering Toluca, capital of the State of Mexico.

Who is José Miguel Pérez and what is his political career?

José Pérez Saint Martin, best known for his character Ludoviquito P. Luche in the series La Familia P. Luche, where he shared the stage with comedians Consuelo Duval and Eugenio Derbez, also entered politics in the States of Puebla and Mexico.

In the Puebla state governmenthe held the position of director of the youth protection sector and, in 2020, he headed the office of the general directorate of administration of Ocoyoacac, the municipality where the Marquesa Parkin the State of Mexico.

According to his curriculum vitae, he studied finance and public accounting and has a master's degree in administration and project management, as well as another in public administration. In addition, he hosts motivational conferences for young people entitled: Por qu am?.

José Miguel Pérez has also participated in television programs such as SOS Mission, Dreams and Candy, Joy and Rebujos, Cousins, Amy, the Girl with the Blue Backpack, Neighbors and To Love Without Law.

According to information from the show, in 2018 he became engaged to Montserrat Ocampo, the youngest daughter of Josefina Vázquez Mota, PAN presidential candidate in 2012.

During the presidency of PAN member Vicente Fox (2000-2006), his mother-in-law served as Secretary of Social Development and Secretary of Public Education in the government of Felipe Calderón, also a member of the PAN (2006-2009).

Vázquez Mota has twice served as a multi-member federal representative and in 2017 she was that party's candidate for the government of the State of Mexico. Since September 1, 2018, she has been a multi-member senator.




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