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Death of Alan Scarfe: Star Trek and Double Impact actor dies at age 77

Death of Alan Scarfe: Star Trek and Double Impact actor dies at age 77
Death of Alan Scarfe: Star Trek and Double Impact actor dies at age 77


Alan Scarfe, the actor best known for his work in Seven days And Double impactdied at the age of 77.

His family announced that the Anglo-Canadian actor died of colon cancer at his home in Longueuil, Quebec, on April 28.

Scarfe is survived by a son, actor Jonathan Scarfe, known for his roles inVan Helsing, Raise the bar And The 100a daughter Tosia, musician and composer, and a brother named Colin.

Born in England and raised in Vancouver, Scarfe studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art from 1964 to 1966, in accordance with his desire to become a classical theater actor. He traveled throughout Europe, the United States and Canada and performed more than 100 roles over the next two decades.

He was also associate director of the Everyman Theater in Liverpool from 1967 to 68. I wanted to be a great classical actor in the long tradition of Burbage, Garrick, Kean, Booth, Olivier, he said in an interview in August 2007.

Forty-five years ago, when I started, it was still possible to think in such a romantic and idealistic way.

Scarfe's career as a stage actor includes eight seasons at the Stratford Festival and two at the Shaw Festival, both in Ontario, where he performed Shakespeare extensively, playing Macduff on Broadway in a 1988 production of Macbeth with Christopher Plummer and Glenda Jackson.

He began his film career with roles in The boy from the bay (1984), Deserters (1984), Overnight (1986), Street justice (1987), Iron Eagle II (1988), Alias ​​Albert Walker (2003), and The hamster cage (2005).

He gained popularity through his science fiction roles, including playing Dr. Bradley Talmadge of the National Security Agency in Seven daysas well as for his guest roles as Romulans Tokath and Admiral Mendak in Star Trek in the 1990s.

Scarfe made several appearances at Star Trek conventions, endearing himself to fans, and spoke about his training being helpful in playing sci-fi roles.

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Science fiction in film and television, especially if you play an alien character with fantasy makeup, is ideal for actors with strong stage experience, he said.

Productions need that kind of size and intensity of performance. You can't really mumble if you're a Klingon.

Scarfe also played villain Nigel Griffith in the action film. Double impact in 1991 opposite twins Alex and Chad Wagner, played by Jean-Claude Van Damme.

He then played the head of Internal Affairs, Herman Walters, in Lethal Weapon III in 1992.

In 1985, Scarfe won the Genie Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Sergeant Tom Coldwell in The boy from the bay.

In addition to his acting career, Scarfe was a published author, writing under the pseudonym Clanash Farjeon.

His first novel, The Revelation of Jack the Ripperwas released in 2017 and was followed by The Vampires of Juarez, The demons of September 11And The mask of the Holy Spirit.




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