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Celebrities at ELLE Hollywood Rising Party 2024

Celebrities at ELLE Hollywood Rising Party 2024


ELLE's annual event honoring A-list actors and actresses featured a star-studded lineup last night at Bar Funke in Los Angeles.

Winners, including Emma Laird, Ryan Destiny and Sophie Thatcher, showcased a range of stunning styles, alongside other entrants.

Emma Laird is present Emma Laird is present

Emma Laird stood out in a Louis Vuitton red sequin mini dress, paired with Sparkle slingback pumps in metallic leather and a Petite Malle clutch in white leather.

Although she is not yet an official ambassador, her constant presence at Louis Vuitton events and her ability to rock the brand's look suggests a potential future partnership.

Styled by Petra Flannery.

Ryan Destiny is present Ryan Destiny is present

Ryan Destin opted for elegant linen tailoring Ralph Laurenexuding sophistication and elegance.

Sophie Thatcher is present Sophie Thatcher is present

Sophie Thatcher shared on Instagram that she Rodarte The look was inspired by Belladonna of Sadness.

Emma Laird and Sophie Thatcher are present Emma Laird and Sophie Thatcher are present

The style channeled the haunting, ethereal beauty associated with the film, and she pulled it off with a mix of gothic and whimsical elements.

Styled by Christina Turner.

Ji-young Yoo assists Ji-young Yoo assists

Ji-young Yoowho previously divided opinions with a Rodarte knit dress, redeemed herself in this Ralph Lauren suit. The knit tie and polka dot pocket square add a refined touch.

Styled by WaymanBannerman and MicahMcDonald.

Lana Condor is present Lana Condor is present

Lana Condor adopted the summer atmosphere in a Ralph Lauren crochet dress, perfectly capturing the essence of the season.

Lock Maxwell assists Lock Maxwell assists

Lukita Maxwell put on a Tory Burch Spring 2024 layered mesh hoop dress that had a punk edge, although the presentation didn't entirely sell the whole thing.

Hunter Schafer would have killed this look.

Tory Burch Spring 2024
Olivia Scott Welch is present Olivia Scott Welch is present

Olivia Scott Welch followed the trend of pairing shirts with long skirts Ralph Lauren as we saw on Jodie Turner-Smith earlier this week.

Saniyya Sidney is present Saniyya Sidney is present

Cow Sidney brought color and a touch of youth to a Kate Spade New York Julia pink bubble dress decorated with a 3D flower bracelet. However, the black sandals seemed a bit mismatched.

Skai Jackson is present Skai Jackson is present

Skye Jackson embraced the sheer trend in a satin Dolce & Gabbana ensemble under a sheer dress.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2023
Bailee Madison attends Bailee Madison attends

Madison Custodian also incorporated a white satin bra into her look, keeping with the trendy style.

Xochitl Gomez is present Xochitl Gomez is present

Xochitl Gomez opted for refined elegance in a Ralph Lauren little black dress demonstrating classic sophistication.

Who stands out to you?

Credit: Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for ELLE / Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for ELLE /

FTC Disclaimer: Keep in mind that I may receive commissions when you click on links and make purchases. However, this does not impact my opinions.

Bailee Madison, Dolce & Gabbana, Emma Laird, Ji-young Yoo, Kate Spade New York, Lana Condor, Louis Vuitton, Ralph Lauren, Rodarte, Runway To Red Carpet, Ryan Destiny, Saniyya Sidney, Skai Jackson, Sophie Thatcher, Tory Burch




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