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'Die Hard 2' and 'The Waltons' Actor Was 86

'Die Hard 2' and 'The Waltons' Actor Was 86


Tom Bower, an actor known for his work in television series such as The Waltons and in films including Die Hard 2died on May 30 at age 86.

His manager, Marsha McManus, confirmed the news to Weekly Entertainment. The cause of death has not been released.

A busy performer with hundreds of credits, Bower rose to fame through his recurring role in The Waltons as Dr. Curtis Willard, becoming a series regular in the show's fifth season in 1975. His character replaced Victor Izay's Dr. Vance on Walton Mountain, then hired Mary Ellen Walton (Judy Norton) to be his nurse . Eventually, Dr. Willard and Mary Ellen married and had a son. Bower was written off the show in 1978, which he linked to his demand for a pay raise.

The actor also made a memorable impression in the 1990 action film Die Hard 2 as janitor Marvin, who lives beneath Dulles International Airport and helps John McClane (Bruce Willis) thwart a group of terrorists.

Tom Bower.

Charley Gallay/Getty

Most recently, Bower worked with director Scott Cooper on Crazy heart And Out of the oven. In the first film, he played the agent of Jeff Bridges' country star Bad Blake. He also played the role of the father of Bob Odenkirk's main character in the AMC series. Lucky Hank.

Ralph Thomas Bower was born January 3, 1938 in Denver. Passionate about baseball and participating in theater in high school, he chose to become an actor and moved to New York to study at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Bower worked a series of odd jobs before moving to Los Angeles to seek a career on screen. Before his escape on The Waltonshe played in The Rockford Files And The bionic woman.

Some of his notable film credits included Shadows, The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez, Beverly Hills Cop II, Nixon, Pollock, AppaloosaAnd Bad Lieutenant: stopover in New Orleans.

Bower worked steadily until his final days, regularly booking roles on shows such as Monk, Hill Street Blues, The Murder She Wrote, Miami Vice, China Beach, The X Files, Roswell, The west wing, It's always sunny in Philadelphia, Criminal mindsAnd Bosch.

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He was also a strong supporter of SAG-AFTRA and the actors union's efforts to protect its own. He served on the SAG National Board of Directors from 1995 to 2002, as well as the Hollywood Board of Directors and dozens of committees, including the SAG TV Residual Study, Global Rule One, Communications, National Agents committees. Relations and National New Technologies. He co-created SAGindiea union resource dedicated to helping independent filmmakers employ union actors.

Bower was preceded in death by his wife of 51 years, Ursula, who died last August. He is survived by his children, Viv and Rob; his grandchildren, Nicole, Jonathan, Lucille and Henry; his brother, Bobby, and his sister, Shirley.




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