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Rob Schneider booed off stage at Canadian charity event over anti-trans jokes

Rob Schneider booed off stage at Canadian charity event over anti-trans jokes


A Canadian medical nonprofit is apologizing after comedian Rob Schneider performed at a fundraising event Saturday night, reportedly regaling an uneasy crowd with hacky material about vaccines, women and transgender people until he was kicked off stage in the middle of his set for the second time. These last months.

Everyone in the room was groaning and saying, What's happening? Like whispering to each other. Not a single laugh sometimes, a witness told the Radio-Canada. It was just obvious how uncomfortable everyone felt and how unacceptable the things he was talking about were.

THE Regina's leadership position reported that the comedian was booed throughout his performance.

The Regina Hospitals Foundation has issued a sincere and unconditional opinion mea culpa after the sold-out event, which was held at the Conexus Arts Center and raised $350,000 for the city's hospitals.

While we recognize that in a free and democratic society individuals are entitled to their views and opinions and that comedy is intended to be bold, the content, positions and opinions expressed during Mr. Schneider's set do not correspond to the values ​​of our foundation and our team. , the organization said in a press release.

We do not condone, accept, endorse or share Mr. Schneider's positions as expressed during his comedy set and recognize that in this instance the performance did not meet the expectations of our audience and of our team.

The foundation said a decision was made mid-performance to end his performance early, to which he agreed and immediately left the stage. He added that an unconditional apology was made to the participants immediately afterwards. Schneider was booked for the 2023 event through the foundation's booking agent, he said.

Schneider was also kicked off stage at a Republican networking event last year, having made it through less than a third of his set before at least one lawmaker left the room and the host dismissed him. interrupt. The 60-year-old comedian then doubled down on his material, which reportedly included jokes about Korean brothels.

I'M COMING to Washington DC to play and I'll tell you ALL THE JOKES this group of professional political pussies and wannabes are complaining about!! he wrote in a tweet shilling tickets for his next show.

The witness who spoke to CBC, Tynan Allan, said he didn't understand how the foundation didn't know who it had booked.

He has been anti-vaxx throughout the pandemic and has said transphobic things for years, he said. I understand you're raising money, sometimes you need to draw a crowd, but it doesn't take much to examine people and, in particular, examine them from a values-based perspective.




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