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This is how Hollywood royalty celebrates National Rose Day

This is how Hollywood royalty celebrates National Rose Day


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It's easy to think that rose appreciation jumped the shark once products were sporting roses all day and, yes, roses flooded Home Goods and Etsy. But leave it to Los Angeles party planners to remind us why we fell in love with the prettiest, tastiest, and somehow affordable summer drink in the first place. For Ros Day LA, a colorful celebration that falls on June 8, 2024 (National Ros Day), lobster, caviar and oysters will be served and plenty of rose will flow in almost every form, from sparkling to iced Perrier-Jout to tequila rose-inspired and alcohol-free iterations courtesy of French Bloom. No wonder Hollywood's A-list shows up every year.

Held in the Santa Monica Mountains, halfway between Malibu and Calabasas, this year's party will feature a DJ set from local hero Anderson .Paak (who will perform as DJ Pee .Wee accompanied by a trumpeter) , endless flowers and art installations, including an interactive work inspired by the butterfly logo designed by Damian Hirst which ahead of the limited production Lady A bottle of roses.

If this year's edition is anything like those of the past, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tiffany Haddish, John Legend and Michael B. Jordan will temper the libations with IVs and massages and bring a little something unexpected. Last year, Aaron Paul showed up in a pink suit to serve Pinkman cocktails (made with his own brand of mescal, of course). Another year, the imperturbable and endlessly animated Jamie Foxx took the stage to promote the place as an impromptu hour-long MC. But even he wasn't ready for a fall of 20,000 rose petals that transformed the Santa Monica Mountains into a romantic scene that even the Bachelor franchise (filmed just down the road) couldn't match.

Whether you join Los Angeles' chicest tribute to Ros Day (tickets for the open bar event are available to the public here) or create one yourself, find 10 ways to celebrate summer's most deliverable libation, even if wine and/or booze isn't your thing, ahead.

Chateau Sainte Marguerite Symphony 2022 Ros

Notes of citrus and white peach mingle in this ultralight tub from an award-winning French wine brand that just launched in the United States last year. Faithful to the style of ros produced in Provence, this wine is dry and fruity, thanks in part to cold fermentation, which enhances the fruity properties of the grapes without additional sugar.

There's nothing more romantic than a floral Italian rosé with a slightly rebellious side: this rosado is made from rondinella, a traditional grape variety usually reserved for blends. Cork a bottle of this floral number to instantly impress your friends.

J. Mourat, Fiefs Vendens Ros Collection

Crispy and dry, this organic blend of pinot noir and gamay grapes only tell part of the story. Due to a fault line that runs beneath the winery (located in the Loire Valley of France), an unusual blend of volcanic soils (rhyolite, quartz), purple schist, and clay contributes to a unique minerality that adds depth to the typical fruity/floral/sour. pink profile.

Not a wine lover? Enter this unique tequila, a reposado turned rosado, thanks to a finishing process in which the liquor is aged in ruby ​​port barrels from Portugal's northern wine region. The result is magnificent, pink tinted tequila it looks like rosé, but tastes like a caramel reposado with a hint of raspberry and strawberry. Mix it with agave and lime for a rosy-hued marg or sip it smoothly on the rock!

Justin Ros Central Coast 2023

Dry, fruity (we tasted apple and pear), a little grassy, ​​this roses from the Central Coast of California is made primarily from Syrah grapes. It's a no-brainer that pairs well with just about any food you'd want to eat on a hot summer day.

Pom Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice

The easiest way to make frozen ros? Try this recipe, which will be served to celebrities at Ros Day LA: Blend pomegranate juicelemon juice and simple syrup for a hangover-free festive drink.

For those who prefer alcoholic drinks, add a full-bodied rosé chilled in the freezer (like one made with pinot noir) and vodka. This Japanese option is made from rice and filtered through bamboo charcoal for a smoother sip with a touch of sweetness.

It can be difficult to find a non-alcoholic champagne it's quite good to drink. Somehow, this French producer has cracked the code to developing a dry, sparkling rosé with all the bright effervescence, red fruit notes, floral notes, acidity and minerality of real wine .

Pasini San Giovanni Valtenesi Il Chiaretto

Known for producing award-winning, sell-out wines, Pasini San Giovanni (located in rocky Lombardy, the main Italian wine-producing region) does a remarkable job of making this Chiaretto (a blend of certified organic Groppello Barbera, Marzemino and Sangiovese grapes) sing. Each grape variety is harvested at different times, then rested for different lengths of time before being pressed separately and fermented in stainless steel. The result is a beautiful, bright balance of fruit, acid and minerality that tastes much more expensive than it is and complements Mediterranean cuisine (think seafood, white meat, vegetables) or simply the air of summer nights under twinkling lights with friends. If that wasn't enough, it's produced by a certified organic winemaker, powered by solar energy and carbon neutral.





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