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Block 40 Food Hall opens in Hollywood, offering 10 food booths, play area and tequila wall – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

Block 40 Food Hall opens in Hollywood, offering 10 food booths, play area and tequila wall – WSVN 7News |  Miami News, Weather, Sports


Deco went to an opening in Hollywood last night. It wasn't California and there were no stars on the red carpet, but for South Florida foodies, the event was a blockbuster. Make it a Block 40 blockbuster.

All you hungry residents of Downtown Hollywood, listen up. Block 40 Food Hall is here.

Steve Dapuzzo: Block 40 Food Hall is Hollywood's premier food hall, with over 10 different concepts, a gaming zone as well as three different bars.

The room didn't come out of nowhere. There's a reason Block 40 opened.

Steve Dapuzzo: Well, Hollywood is developing an extremely wonderful residential and professional life, and now it's time to develop the play life.

There are plenty of places to play here, whether it's Jenga or darts. You can also relax at the central bar if you want to take in all the action.

And with 10 food kiosks, how can you go wrong?

Steve Dapuzzo: Choosing the right booths is really important because you want to touch a little bit of each region. You want to give the consumer the opportunity to come in and really get what they want, and the best part is if you come with friends, everyone gets what they want.

Want fettuccine? Go to Dalmoros.

Elliott Lauri: We are a fast casual pasta restaurant that serves homemade sauces, pastas and homemade tiramisu.

You will be able to watch your pasta being prepared before your eyes. The Food Hall is the perfect location for their first location in South Florida.

Elliott Lauri: So it's nice to be in that environment where you take it, walk to the next station, walk to the park that's here.

At CLASS Lux Burger, everything happens between the buns.

Chef Ali: We specialize in sliders here. We have a specialty burger that is a combination of filet mignon ribeye and skirt steak, all hand ground.

To save you some time, we asked the chef what he recommends.

Chef Ali: Right now, I would have to say our lamb sliders are one of our biggest. It is mixed with rosemary, tarragon and sage. We cook it to about medium. It is served open with a little salad on the side.

Did someone say dessert? I hope so, because Hollywood Creamery is waiting for you.

Konstantin Goldenberg: I ​​make my own ice cream. I make it in small batches and change the flavors often, so there's always something new and different on the menu.

You'll never be thirsty at Block 40. There are over 150 kinds of beer and the wall of tequila awaits you in this slice of Mexican heaven.

Steve Dapuzzo: And of course you have Loco Ocho, our signature full-service restaurant.

Everyone wins at Block 40 Food Hall, and it's a true Hollywood ending.

Tiina Hietala: We're locals, so we were always looking for a new place to eat and have a good time, and it seems like this is everything.

Block 40 food hall
1818 Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood, Florida 33020

Copyright 2024 Sunbeam Television Corp. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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