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Shabana Azmi defends Kangana Ranaut in Bollywood silence; expresses concern that security personnel are 'taking the law into their own hands' |

Shabana Azmi defends Kangana Ranaut in Bollywood silence;  expresses concern that security personnel are 'taking the law into their own hands' |
Shabana Azmi defends Kangana Ranaut in Bollywood silence;  expresses concern that security personnel are 'taking the law into their own hands' |


Veteran Bollywood Actress Shabana Azmi has come forward to defend Kangana Ranaut amid the ongoing slapping controversy. In a tweet on her account, the actress expressed support for the new BJP MP and expressed concerns over security personnel taking the law into his hands.
In a tweet, Azmi said, “I have no love lost for #Kangana Ranaut. But I can't seem to join in this chorus of celebration of 'the slap'.If security agents start taking justice into law, none of us can be safe. »
Hours before Azmi's statement, Kangana took to Instagram to express her disappointment with the Bollywood community for not speaking out about the incident. Without naming anyone, she posted: “All eyes are on Rafah Gang, this can happen to you or your children too… When you celebrate a terrorist attack on someone, be ready for the day when it happens to you will also come back.”
Meanwhile, Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) MP Harsimrat Kaur Badal weighed in on the controversy, criticizing Ranaut's behavior and urged her to acknowledge her responsibility as a public figure. Badal condemned Ranaut for calling people “terrorists” instead of taking responsibility for her own comments.

“Kangana Ranaut should understand her responsibility instead of trying to please her high command. As an actress, she has many people following her. When you say stupid things and make unnecessary comments, then there is a reaction. If someone says such words to your mother that you have said to other people's mothers, you too will not like it,” Badal remarked.

“Instead of looking at your mistake, you are calling them terrorists. Your party's policy is to spread poison. Instead of spreading poison, if you spread sweetness, you will not have to face such situation,” she added.
A huge controversy erupted when Ranaut claimed she was slapped by a central industrial security force (CISF) police officer at Chandigarh airport. Police constable Kulwinder Kaur has since been suspended and an FIR has been filed against her.

In a latest update to ANI, the CISF has filed an FIR against the policewoman, under sections 321 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 341 (wrongful coercion) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
“The officer has not yet been arrested as this is a bailable offense,” police officials said in a statement.
The altercation reportedly broke out following Kangana's comments against the farmers' protests. The actress shared in a video message, “When I asked her why she did this, she told me that she supports the farmers' protest.”

In a video statement circulating on social media, Kaur explained: “She [Kangana] said that farmers are sitting there for Rs 100. Will she go and sit there? My mother was sitting there protesting when she made that statement.”
The incident sparked a wider discussion on social media, with some speaking out about the constable's actions while others extended their support to Kangana.

Kangana Slapgate: Who is Kulwinder Kaur, the CISF officer who was suspended for slapping Kangana Ranaut?




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