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INOURBACKYARD: County fair season is upon us | News, Sports, Jobs

INOURBACKYARD: County fair season is upon us |  News, Sports, Jobs
INOURBACKYARD: County fair season is upon us |  News, Sports, Jobs


As I begin this month's article, I ask you to think about a county fair that you may have attended in years past. Maybe you think of the carnival rides, delicious fairground food, or lively outdoor concerts that are one of the highlights of our short North Dakota summers. For many readers, you might be like me and think of the young exhibitors showcasing their precious animals, their finest baked goods, their creative arts and crafts, their award-winning factories or even their innovative engineering projects, all in the hope to win a few dollars and maybe a chance at the state fair.

Growing up as a farmer's daughter and niece/granddaughter of a cattle rancher, we didn't have cable TV to entertain us (I'm dating myself, but it was the pre -digital). Instead, we had daily tasks. You had to take care of the animals, work around the farm and prepare meals and bring them to the field. You would be hard-pressed to find a “farm” a child who was not also an active member of the local 4-H chapter. I was no exception.

4-H taught us so much more than just how to raise animals or make the perfect project. He instilled values ​​of responsibility, perseverance and teamwork. We learned to set goals, work hard and celebrate our achievements. The friendships we made at the county fair were special – a bond shared through common experiences and a mutual love of country living.

Throughout the year, our chapter, the Pickering Boosters, met monthly to work on projects and prepare for competitions under the constant guidance of truly extraordinary adult leaders. All of our meetings culminated in a few major events: the local county fair and, hopefully, the state fair.

I vividly remember the hours spent developing projects and fondly remember the days of baking with my now deceased grandmother, creating perfect pastries and hoping that they would tickle the judges' taste buds enough for the coveted Purple Grand Champion ribbon. For my cousins, hours were spent transporting animals to the fairgrounds and grooming them, with everyone in the family pitching in to lighten the load.

On fair days, we would put on our nicest jeans and 4-H shirts and head to the fairgrounds. The atmosphere was electric, a mix of excitement and nervous energy. The barns were filled with children and their animals, all vying for the top prize. The exhibition halls were filled with the best creations of the year. We chatted with friends, shared advice, and encouraged each other.

The ring was the heart of the fair. We paraded our animals in front of the judges, hoping that our hard work would pay off. Whether it was cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens or the family dog, we took pride in our livestock, knowing the countless hours of feeding, grooming and training we had invested. The thrill of hearing our names called was indescribable – a mix of relief, pride and nervous joy.

But the show was not limited to competition. It was a time of camaraderie and fun. We explored the fairgrounds, ate cotton candy and mini donuts, rode the Ferris wheel until we were dizzy, and laughed with old and new friends. Looking back, those summers at the county fair were some of the best times of our lives. They recalled the simple joys of rural life and the enduring spirit of 4-H. The lessons learned and memories made will always hold a special place in our hearts.

So, thank you to the country kids, 4-H members, and county fairs who shaped us. May traditions continue and future generations discover the magic of growing up in a country.

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