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Pools at Biloxi hotel casinos are open to the public. See list. | Entertainment/Life

Pools at Biloxi hotel casinos are open to the public.  See list.  |  Entertainment/Life


It's getting hotter outside in New Orleans and one of the best ways to cool off is with a quick swim in the pool.

There are many local hotel pools offering public access, but if you're looking for a day vacation option to escape the city, several Mississippi Coast casinos and hotels offer just that.

Here's a look at popular casino and hotel pools that offer day passes to the public.

1. Harrah's Gulf Coast

The resort-style pool at Harrah's in Biloxi features a large fountain and poolside bar where everyone can relax all day long.

Non-guests can purchase a day pass to the pool for $20 on weekdays Monday through Thursday and for $25 on Fridays, weekends and holidays.

Pool hours: daily from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Adult swimming hours, restricted to those 21 and over, are weekdays after 8:00 p.m.

Gold Nugget Pool

The H20 Pool and Bar at Golden Nugget Casino in Biloxi has poolside loungers and dozens of lounge chairs for a casual way to spend a hot day.

2. The golden nugget of Biloxi

If you're looking for cool blue waters and a swim-up bar to relax in, the H20 Pool + Bar at the golden nugget in Biloxi this might be the place for you. The casino and hotel also have a hot tub and two poolside fire pits.

According to the Golden Nugget website, day pool passes are available Monday through Friday and Sunday for non-hotel guests, excluding holidays. You also have the possibility to reserve passes for certain Saturdays.

Day pass prices vary depending on special events and holidays. Typically, weekday passes cost $20 and Friday and weekend passes cost $30.

Daybeds and cabins are also available to rent if you're looking for a place to spread out. Daybeds cost $50 weekdays and $100 Fridays and weekends, while cabanas cost $250 weekdays and $350 Fridays and weekends.

It is important to note that guests under the age of 21 visiting the pool must be accompanied by an adult.

Hard Rock Pool Biloxi

The pool at Hard Rock Casino Biloxi has a swim-up bar and a place to grab cool cocktails poolside. (Courtesy of Hard Rock Casino Biloxi)

3. Hard Rock Biloxi

THE Hard Rock Hotel Casino in Biloxi also has a swim-up bar and is open to the public.

Day passes to their 21+ pool will cost you $20 on weekdays and $30 on weekends. The casino hotel also hosts pool parties on Sundays.

If you want to treat yourself and upgrade to a cabin, prices are $150 on weekdays and $300 on weekends. The cabins are equipped with a TV, fridge, sun loungers, bottled water, a range of fresh fruit and towels, as well as a personal cabin host for an extra touch of luxury .

Pool hours: every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

4. Treasure Bay

Treasure Bay Casino and Hotel in Biloxi features two swimming pools surrounded by tropical landscaping to make you feel like you're on an exotic vacation.

Non-hotel guests 21 and older can stop by for the day and visit the pool for $10 weekdays and $20 weekdays. Day passes cost $25 for special events.

And don't forget to bring your own towel if you go.

5. Hollywood Cabin on the Gulf Coast

In addition to a hot tub and swim-up bar, Hollywood Casino in Baie Saint Louis has a lazy river perfect for soaking up the sun.

Although non-guests cannot purchase a day pass to grant them entry, they can rent a cabin for a day.

Cabins are $75 on weekdays and $100 on Fridays and weekends.

The hotel also organizes swimming hours reserved for adults aged 21 and over from 6 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Pool hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Thursday. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday to Sunday.




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